Yeah, I will log this enhancement and yeah, this comes after the
health check stuffs.

Luca Burgazzoli

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 5:05 PM, Claus Ibsen <> wrote:
> Hi Luca
> Yeah good idea, can you maybe log a JIRA about this.
> The health-check ticket is frankly a bit more important to get started
> on. So I wonder if you will get time to maybe help with this, and help
> lead that effort? Andrea has also posted interrest on this ticket. It
> has a few nuances and also ties into your great effort with this Camel
> cloud stuff.
> We can talk on this in another @dev or on the JIRA ticket for health-check.
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 10:50 AM, Luca Burgazzoli <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> as today we have a ServiceCall EIP that makes it easy to call external
>> services in a cloud environment leveraging external service registry
>> such as kubernetes, consul, etcd & co so I'm thinking about adding a
>> way for a route to register itself in such registries and be available
>> as a service for other to consume.
>> Something like:
>>     // programmatic config
>>     from("jetty:";)
>>         .serviceRegistry()
>>             .name("service-1")
>>             .host("....")
>>             .port(8001)
>>             .meta("camel.protocol", "http")
>>             .meta("camel.component", "jetty")
>>             .meta("camel.context.path", "/service1")
>>             .end()
>>         .to("direct:service-1")
>>     // Inherit from a global config and eventually override it
>>     from("jetty:";)
>>       .serviceRegistry("service-2")
>>           .configRef("service-registry-conf")
>>           .port(8002)
>>       .to("direct:service-2")
>>     // Smart auto configuration
>>     from("jetty:";)
>>       .serviceRegistry("service-3")
>>       .to("direct:service-3")
>> Beside making camel play better in cloud environment,  you can use the
>> service call to connect camel based micro services with minimal
>> configuration as the registration may provide some additional meta
>> data that the service call can use for auto-configuration (of course
>> not all the registries can do it).
>> The future Health  API/Service may then also be configured to remove
>> or invalidate the service if the route is reported as not healthy.
>> Make sense for you ?
>> ---
>> Luca Burgazzoli
> --
> Claus Ibsen
> -----------------
> @davsclaus
> Camel in Action 2:

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