
Just a heads up that we plan to cut the RC for Camel 2.19 next week.

So we are closing down on the last tickets, bugs, features etc to get
the code base in shape.

The JIRA has 9 tickets

But you are of course welcome to work on other tickets etc but just
mind any big functionality is likely better to wait for next release.

There is however the expected transaction stuff for CDI as a PR in the
works, and also a new iot component

We should keep an eye on the CI servers to see how they are and fix
any test failures etc. Recently we got them to build and test the OSGi
and spring-boot specific tests so we should be able to better keep an
eye on this now and in the future.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Gregor Zurowski
<gre...@list.zurowski.org> wrote:
> Hi Claus,
> Week 16 works for me.  I will send out another email shortly before
> starting to build the RC.
> Thanks,
> Gregor
> On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 3:08 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gregor
>> Yeah its April so we should get the 2.19.0 release out the door.
>> We have just setup a 2.20.0 version in JIRA and folks should start
>> moving their tickets to that version if its something that they cannot
>> finish in time. Also we should refrain from doing bigger work at this
>> time as we should close down on last tickets, bug fixes, and get the
>> CI tests in good order, etc.
>> I will look at the JIRAs later this week and cleanup a bit so we have
>> a better overview of what work is yet to be done.
>> As April has the easter holidays. I wonder what you time schedule looks like?
>> Maybe if you have time to help with the release after the holidays?
>> Week 16 and 17 are the last 2 weeks in April after the holidays.
>> If we could maybe cut the RC in week 16 then that would be good.
>> On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Gregor Zurowski
>> <gre...@list.zurowski.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Are we getting closer to build a 2.19.0 release?  I would volunteer
>>> for creating the release, just wanted to check when would be a good
>>> time to do so.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gregor
>>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 9:29 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Just wanted to bring up that we are closing in on a good time for
>>>> doing a new release.
>>>> For example in mid April it would be around 6 months since the last
>>>> 2.18.0 release.
>>>> Therefore we should start closing down and fixing bugs, and make sure
>>>> the CI servers and tests are in good shape.
>>>> This morning we have fixed a number of recent test failures and are
>>>> down to only 1 test failure now.
>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> There is a bunch of stuff which we can/should have on the roadmap to
>>>>> complete for the Camel 2.19 release.
>>>>> Here is on top of my head
>>>>> 1)
>>>>> Finish migrating the wiki documentation to adoc files. I think its
>>>>> most of the EIP patterns that are missing. There is a basic list of
>>>>> EIPs here: 
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/camel/blob/master/camel-core/readme-eip.adoc
>>>>> 2)
>>>>> Generate documentation and website. Maybe documentation first and then
>>>>> we come up with a modern website later - when we have a new logo as
>>>>> well.
>>>>> 3)
>>>>> Mark more stuff to @deprecate so we dont drag them into Camel 3.0.
>>>>> This is both components / and other artifacts.
>>>>> And as well the camel-core APIs where there is maybe more we can 
>>>>> deprecate.
>>>>> For example the old stuff that was created prior to the component docs
>>>>> we do now with the apt plugin at build time instead of this old code
>>>>> with runtime that dont really pan out anyway.
>>>>> 4)
>>>>> Move spring-boot starters into the platforms folder. There is a ticket
>>>>> about this.
>>>>> 5)
>>>>> More improvements to spring boot auto configuration. We have a bunch
>>>>> of tickets on that.
>>>>> 6)
>>>>> Look at the health check API and see if there is something we can get
>>>>> started on.
>>>>> Possible some API to integrate with spring boot actuators (when using
>>>>> SB) and allow each component to provide their own checks so they can
>>>>> be implemented ad-hoc. There is a ticket about this.
>>>>> 7)
>>>>> Possible some more teaks to camel-catalog based on feedback from IDEA
>>>>> plugin and the maven validate goal.
>>>>> 8)
>>>>> That CDI JEE transaction PR on github.
>>>>> Ideally we would have had a transaction API in camel-core and then one
>>>>> impl for camel-spring, and then another for camel-cdi-jee. But that
>>>>> may require too much work.
>>>>> 9)
>>>>> Work on the Java 8 DSL such as get more community feedback, and then
>>>>> resolve the TODOs with the documentation updates and look into other
>>>>> areas where the API can benefit from Java 8 lambdas and whatnot. I
>>>>> dont think we have a ticket about this.
>>>>> 10)
>>>>> Karaf users may want to improve/finish up the camel-test-karaf module
>>>>> so its more usable and end users can use it to test integration tests
>>>>> with Camel and Karaf.
>>>>> 11)
>>>>> Introduce Camel Connectors (more about this later)
>>>>> Anything else?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>>> -----------------
>>>>> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
>>>>> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2
>>>> --
>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>> -----------------
>>>> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
>>>> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2
>> --
>> Claus Ibsen
>> -----------------
>> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
>> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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