
I've recently been working on CAMEL-11550 [1] aimed to introduce the
concept of "Component Extensions" which are functionalities not directly
targeting Camel runtime but that can provide some useful stuffs as
example for tooling.

You can find the implementation on my camel fork [2] which include:

- Core API for ComponentExtensions
- Refactor of the ComponentVerifier to be exposed as extension and
  deprecation of the old VerifiableComponent
- Creation of a MetaDataExtension for ServivceNow aimed to retrieve
  a Json Schema definition for the ServiceNow objects
- Creation of a maven plugin to generate POJOs for the ServiceNow
  objects leveraging the MetaDataExtension

As this new "Component Extension" concept has some minor impacts on
camel-core I'd like to have your opinion before merging it.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-11550
[2] https://github.com/lburgazzoli/apache-camel/tree/component-extensions

Luca Burgazzoli

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