I've just pushed an updated branch further modularize camel-core.
The next step on my plan to continue working on isolating the model /
builders and the components / language from the core implementation.

Le mer. 3 oct. 2018 à 17:36, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org> a écrit :

> Hey guys !
> It's been a long time I've been working actively on Camel, so I'm glad to
> be back !
> I've spent the last few weeks working on a few things related to a
> possible Camel 3.x branch, mainly:
>   * removing all deprecated stuff (or most of them)
>   * making camel-core more modular by extracting stuff out of it
> Given those changes lead to incompatible changes, I've refactored my
> changes on top of a change to version 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
> I've uploaded the branch at
>    https://github.com/apache/camel/tree/sandbox/camel-3.x
> The first item is quite simple in principle, i.e. I've removed everything
> that was flagged as @Deprecated.  A lot of changes were more complicated
> than just removing a few lines, and some of them were actually substantial.
> On top of that, I've worked on some JIRA already raised for 3.x and also a
> few enhancements (like the ServiceSupport one, though there are still some
> incoherences).
> One of my goal was to experiment on making camel-core more modular, which
> I've worked on these past days.  This requires moving some stuff from one
> package to another to make packages more cohesive and be able to later
> extract them.  So o.a.c.util.* do not depend on a.o.c anymore, which means
> some stuff has been moved to o.a.c.support and similar changes. Also, base
> classes such as DefaultComponent, DefaultEndpoint and related have been
> moved from o.a.c.impl to o.a.c.support.
> I'll continue experimenting a bit on this modularization to ensure that
> components can be built without relying on camel-core directly.
> Another thing I've experimented but not yet ported to that branch is to
> isolate o.a.c.model from the actual processors.  This is done by extracting
> the code that translates the XxxDefinition into YyyProcessor into a
> separate package.  This should allow experimenting with stuff like
> generating fluent xml/java dsls from the metadata.
> Just wanted to provide some feedback on my latest huge commit and make
> things public.  I'm planning to rebase on top of master regularly until the
> community decides of the fate of this branch :-)
> Guillaume
> --
> ------------------------
> Guillaume Nodet

Guillaume Nodet

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