Over time, we have been trying to address multi tenancy requirements with a 
number of, often inconsistent, efforts. As a result, as today, the camel-k 
bundle available through operator hub sets up a camel-k operator upon 
installation which then relies on *IntegrationPlatforms* to configure its 

The *IntegrationPlatform *was meant to:

 • configure various aspect of the operator i.e. the registry where container 
images are pushed, some maven build configurations options, etc

 • provide a basic multi tenancy model where each tenant is tied to a platform 
and scoped using an *operator*_*id *(in the form of a label/annotation on any 
resource that should be reconciled by the same operator) 

 • provide a basic support for platform vs user configurations i.e. the 
platform admin can configure some aspect of the camel-k operatore but users can 
further customize them by creating a local *IntegrationPlatform*

 • provide a basic support for running multiple configured platforms by 
introducing the concept of secondary platform

Even if some initial support for having multiple running camel-k operators 
exists, in order to have another operator installed, a deployment must be hand 
crafted and deployed to kubernetes resulting in additional manual work to be 
done and increasing the complexity of handling updated because the deployment 
must be amended manually (the camel-k bundle is not aware of such additional 
operators). Also, as dealing with multiple *IntegrationPlatforms* is very 
confusing, it is not used very often and discouraged, in fact the concept of 
*secondary IntegrationPlatform* has been removed since version 2.3.

Over time *IntegrationPlatform *has become a place to also store settings that 
are somewhat sensitive and should be ideally restricted to administrators for 
changing, but that is cumbersome to do on just some fields of a custom 
resource. Recently, in order to address this problem as well, the concept of 
*IntegrationProfiles* has been introduced to separate the settings that are 
safe to be tweaked at user level.

To properly address multi-tenancy requirements, we should introduce a new model 
where the *IntegrationPlatform* is not used only to configure some aspect of 
the operator, but also as a way to request the deployment of a tailored Camel K 
operator tenant. Within this model there won’t be a single camel-k operator 
dealing with a multitude of configurations and behaviors but a number of 
tailored camel-k operators reconciling specific resources with specific 

To make this possible the camel-k operator should to be split into:

 • *camel-k platform* controller which is responsible to reconcile 

 • *camel-k operator* which is responsible to reconcile camel-k CR such as 
*Integration*, *Kamelet*, *Pipe*, etc

The work has been extensively discussed in 

This is going to be a gradual process which will require a number of individual 
PRs to refactor the codebase and amend the operational model in a non 
destructive way:

 1. _move the handling of IntegrationPlatform resource to a separate operator_ 
<https://github.com/apache/camel-k/issues/4948> which will result in an 
additional Pod being deployed by the Camel K bundle. Such new Pod will be 
responsible for reconciling the *IntegrationPlatform* resources only for which 
there is _an open PR_ <https://github.com/apache/camel-k/pull/5119>.

 2. Move the deployment of a camel-k-operator tenant to the camel-k-platform 
controller instead of being automatically deployed by the camel-k bundle. More 
info can be found in the related issues discussions: 

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