
You can still use like create table(c1,c2,c7,c4..c6,c3) with out specifying
sort_columns. If you specify like this then it goes to default behavior.
All string, date. timestamp goes to sort_columns in the order you mentioned
in the create table.


On 15 May 2017 at 08:01, sunerhan1...@sina.com <sunerhan1...@sina.com>

> hi community,
> since we already have many rmdb sqls scripts,we don't want to change them
> too much when migrating to carbon.
> suppose we already have sql script like:
>    "create table (c1,c2,...c7")",
> If we want to change column order to shift most often used column ahead
> when query data,i think it's better change it this way like:
>   "create table(c1,c2,c7,c4..c6,c3)
> rather
>   "create table(c1...c7) tblproperties('sort_columns' = 'c7,c3')"
> because the former way just reordering columns without adding extra
> settings,which is more readable to thos who is familiar with rmdb but not
> with carbon.
> sunerhan1...@sina.com

Thanks & Regards,

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