as subquery is not supported in spark1.6+carbon1.1.0,I decide to prefetch  id 
values in scala list:
    var temp1=cc.sql("select  id  from table where limit 
1000").select("id") => r(0)).collect().mkString(",")  
    cc.sql(s"""delete from e_carbon.V_ORDER_ITEM_PROC_ATTR_CARBON4 where 
ORDER_ITEM_PROC_ATTR_ID in ( $temp1) """).show
and get error info like following:
    WARN ExecutorAllocationManager: No stages are running, but numRunningTasks 
!= 0
    AUDIT deleteExecution$: [HETL032][e_carbon][Thread-1]Delete data operation 
is failed for table
    ERROR deleteExecution$: main Delete data operation is failed due to failure 
in creating delete delta file for segment : null block : null
after deleting,i run:
   cc.sql(s"""select count(*) from e_carbon.V_ORDER_ITEM_PROC_ATTR_CARBON4 
where ORDER_ITEM_PROC_ATTR_ID in ( $temp1) """).show    
              the result is 1000  
It only delete success maximun at 200 a batch,and took about 1min which is too 
SO my question is how to tuning the performance to make the batch larger and 
delete faster

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