Hi ChenXingYu,
thankx for your concern,can you please provide all steps to replicate this
issue like, how you increase the hdfs high availability?what path you
provided in presto configuration  parameter carbondata-store?

On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 1:44 PM, 陈星宇 <chenxingyu...@keruyun.com> wrote:

> hi,
> presto supports stand-alone hdfs address ,just like the configuration:
> carbondata-store=hdfs://namenode:9000/test/carbondata
> but if set HDFS High Availability, it's not working and got error:
> java.net.UnknownHostException: nameservice1
> does carbondata-presto supports hdfs High Availability? any suggest for
> this.
> thanks
> ChenXingYu

Thanks and Regards

*   Anubhav Tarar     *

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