Answer inline.

> 在 2018年7月6日,下午3:24,xuchuanyin <> 写道:
> Hi, jacky, please check the following comments:
> 1. Do we need to provide other inferfaces, such as `listTable`,
> `renameTable`…

As of now, I have added getTable to return the CarbonTable. For more metadata 
interfaces like listTable, renameTable  you mentioned, I would like to add it 
later if there are use cases for them.
> 2. What's the difference between the function of 'Carbon-SDK' and
> ‘CarbonStore'

Carbon SDK is used for reading and writing carbondata files, it is in file 
level, while CarbonStore is a store level interface that operates on “Table”. 
And CarbonStore is built on top of Carbon-SDK

> As for the CarbonStore API `createTable`:
> 3. Will it make use of the existing `TableSchemaBuilder`?
Yes, it will

> 4. Better to return the `TableIdentifier` instead of `void`?

Now, TableIdentifier is a simple object that contains table name and database 
name (optional). I think user wants to provide this when creating table. I 
guess you want createTable to return CarbonTable? This can be consider, I just 
prefer to keep the interface simple as a first step.
> As for the CarbonStore API `loadData`:
> 5. Is it possible to return the number of records that have been loaded.
I think this can be consider, are you looking for a specific use case?

> 6. What's the relationship between `CarbonStore` and Session? (for set
> command)

CarbonStore is targeted as a library that works independently without compute 
framework like spark.  As we are adding more functionality to carbon, I think 
we’d better to add them in CarbonStore in the future, and spark/presto can 
integrate CarbonStore in its integration module. So to answer your question, 
one possibility is that CarbonSession will use CarbonStore internally, to be 
specific, CarbonScanRDD will use CarbonStore.

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