Hi Community,

Currently we have datamaps like,* default datamaps* which are block and
blocklet and *coarse grained datamaps* like bloom, and *fine grained
datamaps* like lucene
which helps in better pruning during query. What if we introduce another
kind of datamap which can hold blockletId as index? Initial level, we call
it as index which
will work as a child table to the main table like we have MV in our current

Yes, lets introduce the secondary index to carbon table which will be the
child table to main table and it can be created on column like we create
lucene datamap,
where we give index columns to create index. In a similar way, we create
secondary index on column, so indexes on these column will be blocklet IDs
which will
help in better pruning and faster query when we have a filter query on the
index column.

Currenlty we will take it as index table and then later part we will make
it inline to datamap interface.

So design document is attached in JIRA, please give your suggestion/inputs.


Thanks & Regards,
Indhumathi M

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