
First, i suggest that you can install one IntelliJ IDEA to run these
examples :

Second : the below is my test script , please take it as reference:

carbon_jar=./carbonlib/$(ls -1 carbonlib |grep "^apache-carbondata.*\.jar$")
./bin/spark-shell --master local --jars ${carbon_jar} --driver-memory 4G


Xinyu Zeng <xzen...@gmail.com> 于2022年5月9日周一 15:01写道:

> Hi, I am new to Carbondata and trying to get my hands on but it seems
> like the doc is really frustrating. I encountered several issues
> including this one on
> jira:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CARBONDATA-4334.
> My core question is, I simply want to test CarbonData performance
> locally without HDFS. Following the Quick Start guide, it seems that I
> can only do this via spark-shell? Currently I put my commands in a
> scala file and execute
> spark-shell --conf
> spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.spark.sql.CarbonExtensions --jars
> ./apache-carbondata-2.3.0-bin-spark2.3.4-hadoop2.7.2.jar -i
> mini_test.scala
> But this seems a little stupid, and I do not know where should I put
> the configuration file in. Now I can only do the configuration tuning
> inside the mini_test.scala.
> Would be grateful if someone can help.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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