Hi All
I would like to propose following new features in Carbon data
1) Update statement to support modifying existing records in carbon data
2) Delete statement to remove records from carbon data table

A) Update operation: 'Update' features can be added to CarbonData using
intermediate Delta files [delete/update delta files] support with lesser
impact on existing code.
Update can be considered as a ‘delete’ followed by an‘insert’ operation.
Once an update is done on carbon data file, on select query operation,
Carbondata store reader can make use of delete delta data cache to exclude
deleted records in that segment and then include records from newly added
update delta files.

B) Delete operation: In the case of delete operation, a delete delta file
will be added to each segment matching the records. During select query
operation Carbon data reader will exclude those deleted records from the
result set.

Please share your suggestions and thoughts about design and functional
aspects on this feature. I’ll share a detailed design document about above
thoughts later.


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