What about BDQL (Big data QL) or just NOQL?


On 10/28/10 Thu Oct 28, 10, "J. Andrew Rogers" <jar.mail...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Eric Evans <eev...@rackspace.com> wrote:
>> One solution to this is to implement a server-side query language, with
>> simple language drivers that manage all of the common functionality in a
>> consistent way (statement preparation, connection pooling, etc).
>> Library maintainers would then build their idiomatic interfaces on top
>> of these, (and I imagine, remove a metric crap-ton of code in the
>> process).
>> To this end I've been playing with exactly that.  I have enough to do
>> simple reads and writes, and I have stubbed out drivers for Java and
>> Python.  I'm seeking community feedback to gauge interest, and to
>> satisfy the much needed desire to bike-shed. :)
>> http://github.com/eevans/cassandra/tree/CQL
>> You need to be sure you're checking out the "CQL" branch.
> Meta-comment: You probably should not call it CQL. That name is
> already used in multiple standards for similar purposes. These aren't
> dead standards either, for some types of non-SQL database applications
> you are required to implement them. I once wrote a query language
> bridge between a couple CQL database standards, and the current mess
> already confuses the hell out of people. It would not surprise me if
> someone is working on a CQL implementation (pick your standard) that
> uses Cassandra as a backend since it would be a good fit for some use
> cases.
> To highlight the insanity of the "CQL" namespace, some government
> applications require implementation of two CQL standards where the
> "CQL" acronym expands to the *exact same name* and fill almost
> identical roles.  This creates several levels of hell for developers.
> A less non-unique name would probably be beneficial. :-)

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