On Thu, 2011-03-31 at 18:57 +0100, Nick Telford wrote:
> I don't think the Wiki is the right place for community maintained
> user docs; it doesn't have the necessary structure. 

The wiki is great at what wikis are great at, lowering the barrier to
contribution.  There is a lot of good stuff (some of it is even
translated to other languages!); I'm guessing there would be much less
if people had to jump through more hoops.

> Perhaps some generated docs maintained in-tree and hosted somewhere on
> cassandra.apache.org might be an idea? This would also enforce some
> order over changes made to them as changes would be controlled by
> committers and managed through JIRA. 

I had this exact idea, I even checked the CQL language documentation
into the tree as doc/cql/CQL.textile.  I had expected that to either set
a precedent, or to be told to get it out of there, but neither
happened. :)

I don't think we need to choose one or the other.  If someone would
rather add documentation to the wiki, we should let them (thank them
even).  People interested in something maintained with more rigor can
invite the wiki peeps to submit patches, and steal their content if they

Eric Evans

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