I don't think this is working out as well as hoped.

- the git mirror won't pick up anything under drivers/
- building the Java drivers is fragile and complicated, and there's a
lot of duplication with the "main" ant build
- patches that affect both Cassandra and JDBC are cumbersome since
they have to be committed separately (e.g.

I'm inclined to think we should move it back to trunk (but not have
multiple versions for 0.8 branch).  We can still tag/branch separately
from there.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Eric Evans <eev...@rackspace.com> wrote:
> Sylvain and I have been discussing release issues while here at
> buzzwords, and some of the issues are related to drivers.  Not
> surprising since that's a new concept for us, and there wasn't much
> thought given to the current organization.
> Because the CQL drivers are independently versioned and capable of
> releasing on their own timelines, the current location in SVN is
> suboptimal.  There are a number of reasons why, not least of which is
> that it sets the expectation that the correct version of a driver is
> whatever corresponds to the release version of Cassandra.
> So, we'd like to move the drivers sub-directory up one level, making it
> look something like the following:
> |- branches
> |- tags
> |- site
> |- drivers
> |  |- java
> |  |- py
> |  |- txpy
> |- trunk
> There are a few additional implied changes here as well, for example the
> JDBC driver will need its own build, and Cassandra's will need some
> minor changes as well (JDBC driver tests, release artifacts, etc).
> Does anyone object to this?
> --
> Eric Evans
> eev...@rackspace.com

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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