Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is now September 8th everywhere which means that the 1.0 freeze is now in

We are now entering the phase of heavy testing/debugging, aiming at a final
release October 8th. This means a month, which in my opinion can be done, but
only if we all focus our efforts ib testing/debugging.

Allow me to remind everyone that this release will be called Apache Cassandra
1.0. Whether we want it or not, people will see special meaning in that
number and have higher expectations. We *need* to have a release as solid as
possibly can. So please, do help testing as much as possible in the coming

To have things moving, I propose we aim for calling the vote on a first beta
release at the end of next week (say next Thursday for instance).

I just moved to 1.1 all the tickets that didn't sounded like bug fixes. And
good news, 1.0 has almost no bugs. That being said:
  1. If you think I've been unfair on what I've moved (in one way or the
     other), feel free to voice your objections.
  2. I don't believe this '1.0 has almost no bugs'. Let's do some real testing.
  3. For now, everything that is not 1.0 material has been pushed to 1.1. This
     doesn't mean everything will have to wait the next major release. We'll
     sort out what goes into 1.0.1 a bit later. The branches for 1.0 and 1.0.1
     still also remain to be created. Trunk is 1.0 until then. Feel free to
     see that as a suggestion that 1.0 should be the exclusive focus right

Thanks everyone for your efforts, past, present and future. Cassandra 1.0 will


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