On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Pierre Chalamet <pie...@chalamet.net> wrote:
> I hit some serious limitations with prepared statement in Cassandra 1.1. The
> problem is CqlPreparedResult which brings no value for high level api
> builders.
> For example, after prepare_cql_query on this query:
> insert into People (firstname, lastname, birthyear) values (?, ?, ?)
> I'd really like to discover the parameters names ('firstname', 'lastname'
> and 'birthyear') with types if available from cf metadata if available.
> For the moment, there is just nothing returned. Sad.

There, there, don't be sad.  Keep your chin up, it'll be OK.

For what it's worth, CQL3 (use set_cql_version("3")) does return
variable types.  I haven't looked, so I'm not sure how difficult it
would be to backport this to CQL2, but why not open a ticket and see?

Eric Evans
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu

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