Hi all,

I am implementing a distributed application which runs on 100s of machines 
concurrently. This application is going to use Cassandra as underlaying storage.

The application creates the schema (name space and column families) during 
initialization phase.  It seems I have two options to create the schema.

Option - 1 : Using a single node for schema creation.
        Option - 2: Having all the nodes (> 100) to run the same schema 
creation logic (First, nodes will check whether the schema is already available 
and then try to create the schema if it is not available already).  

To keep the initialization phase simple, I prefer to go for Option - 2. However 
I am not sure how Cassandra is going to behave if multiple nodes try to create 
the same schema (namespace and column families) concurrently. It would be nice 
if someone can tell me about the implications of Option - 2 with Cassandra 
version 1.2.2.

Please let me know if you have question.

Thank you

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