Hello Cassandra Devs,

First of all, forgive me if I break some mailing-list rules, this is the first 
time I’m actually writing to an open source project in this manner.

We’re interested in using the SS Tables implementation of Cassandra for fast 
and efficient memory mapped / in-memory data access with generic keys and 
values. The reason is, that we couldn’t find any other native Java 
implementation. Sadly, the current code is tightly interwoven with the rest of 
Cassandra which makes it very hard to split it apart from the rest of the 

Do you guys have some pointers on how we could achieve this? 
What classes do we need (currently I’m thinking the complete io pacakge)? 
How do we separate the whole Cassandra overhead like CFMetaData and stuff like 

My current implementation looks like this: 
Sadly this doesn’t work and fails with the exception I’ve posted in comment to 
that gist.

Any pointers would be very helpful! Thanks for your engagement!


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