That is probably close to the actual way it works, but not quite equal. My
mental model when making this went backwards in time, towards 0, not

It's something like this (using the numbers from your first example): make
a bucket of the specified "timeUnit" size (1000), that contains the "now"
timestamp (4050), where the starting (and therefore also the ending)
timestamp of the bucket is 0 modulo the size of the bucket. That last point
is perhaps the trickiest point to follow. There is only one such place for
the bucket, [4000-5000) in this case. No other bucket that is aligned with
the 1000s can contain 4050.

Now, the next bucket (backwards) is computed based on this [4000-5000)
bucket. Most of the time it will simply be the same-sized bucket right
before it, i.e. [3000-4000), but if the start timestamp of our bucket
(4000), divided by its size (so 4), is 0 modulo "base" (2 in this case),
which it happens to be here, then we increase out bucket size "base" times,
and instead make the bucket of *that* size that ends right before our
current bucket. So the result will be [2000-4000).

This method of getting the next bucket is repeated until we reach timestamp
0. Using the above logic, we don't increase the size of the bucket this
time, because we have a start timestamp of 2000 which becomes 1 when
divided by the size (2000). So we end up with [0, 2000), and we're done.
The buckets were [4000-5000), [2000-4000) and [0-2000).

What's more important than understanding these rules is of course getting
some kind of intuition for this. Here's what it boils down to: we want
there to be "base" equally sized buckets right next to each other before we
*coalesce* them. Every bucket is aligned with its own size (as an analogy,
compilers typically align 4-byte integers on addresses divisible by 4, same
concept). So, by extension, the bigger bucket they coalesce into must be
aligned with *its* size. Not just any "base" adjacent buckets will do, it
will be those that align with the next size.

The remaining question is when do they coalesce? There will always be at
least 1 and at most "base" buckets of every size. Say "base"=4, then there
can be 4 bucket of some size (by necessity next to each other and aligned
on 4 times their size). The moment a new bucket of the same size appears,
the 4 buckets become one and this "fifth" bucket will be alone with its
size (and the start of a new group of 4 such buckets). (The rule for making
the bucket were the "now" timestamp lives in, is where new buckets come

I wish this was easier to explain in simple terms. I personally find this
to have very nice properties, in that it gives every bucket a fair amount
of time to settle before it's time for the next compaction.

Interestingly, I proposed an alternative algorithm in this ticket
<>, including a patch
implementing it. My gut tells me that the mental model that you've used
here is actually equivalent to that algorithm in the ticket. It's just
expressed in a very different way. Might be something for me to try to
prove when I'm really bored :)

Hope this helped! Any particular reason you're investigating this?


On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Anubhav Kale <>

> Hello,
> I am trying to concretely understand how DTCS makes buckets and I am
> looking at the DateTieredCompactionStrategyTest.testGetBuckets method and
> played with some of the parameters to GetBuckets method call (Cassandra
> 2.1.12).
> I don't think I fully understand something there. Let me try to explain.
> Consider the second test there. I changed the pairs a bit for easier
> explanation and changed base (initial window size)=1000L and Min_Threshold=2
> pairs = Lists.newArrayList(
>                 Pair.create("a", 200L),
>                 Pair.create("b", 2000L),
>                 Pair.create("c", 3600L),
>                 Pair.create("d", 3899L),
>                 Pair.create("e", 3900L),
>                 Pair.create("f", 3950L),
>                 Pair.create("too new", 4125L)
>         );
>         buckets = getBuckets(pairs, 1000L, 2, 4050L, Long.MAX_VALUE);
> In this case, the buckets should look like [0-4000] [4000-]. Is this
> correct ? The buckets that I get back are different ("a" lives in its
> bucket and everyone else in another). What I am missing here ?
> Another case,
> pairs = Lists.newArrayList(
>                 Pair.create("a", 200L),
>                 Pair.create("b", 2000L),
>                 Pair.create("c", 3600L),
>                 Pair.create("d", 3899L),
>                 Pair.create("e", 3900L),
>                 Pair.create("f", 3950L),
>                 Pair.create("too new", 4125L)
>         );
>         buckets = getBuckets(pairs, 50L, 4, 4050L, Long.MAX_VALUE);
> Here, the buckets should be [0-3200] [3200-4000] [4000-4050] [4050-]. Is
> this correct ? Again, the buckets that come back are quite different.
> Note, that if I keep the base to original (100L) or increase it and play
> with min_threshold the results are exactly what I would expect.
> The way I think about DTCS is, try to make buckets of maximum possible
> sizes from 0, and once you can't make do that , make smaller buckets
> (similar to what the comment suggests). Is this mental model wrong ? I am
> afraid that the math in Target class is somewhat hard to follow so I am
> thinking about it this way.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> -Anubhav

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