>  In fact, I don’t see JIRA sent to the dev list at all so you are basically
> forking the conversation to a high noise list by putting it all in JIRA.

This is why I proposed we send a link to the design lira’s to the dev list.

> Putting discussion in JIRA, is fine, but realize,
> there is a lot of noise in that signal and people may or may not be watching

I don’t see how a JIRA dedicated to a specific issue is “high noise” ?  That 
single JIRA is much lower noise, it only has conversations around that specific 
ticket.  All conversations happening on the dev list at once seems much “higher 
noise” to me.


> On Aug 15, 2016, at 12:22 PM, Chris Mattmann <mattm...@apache.org> wrote:
> Discussion belongs on the dev list. Putting discussion in JIRA, is fine, but 
> realize,
> there is a lot of noise in that signal and people may or may not be watching
> the JIRA list. In fact, I don’t see JIRA sent to the dev list at all so you 
> are basically
> forking the conversation to a high noise list by putting it all in JIRA.
> On 8/15/16, 10:11 AM, "Aleksey Yeschenko" <alek...@apache.org> wrote:
>    I too feel like it would be sufficient to announce those major JIRAs on 
> the dev@ list, but keep all discussion itself to JIRA, where it belongs.
>    You don’t need to follow every ticket this way, just subscribe to dev@ and 
> then start watching the select major JIRAs you care about.
>    -- 
>    AY
>    On 15 August 2016 at 18:08:20, Jeremiah D Jordan 
> (jeremiah.jor...@gmail.com) wrote:
>    I like keeping things in JIRA because then everything is in one place, and 
> it is easy to refer someone to it in the future.  
>    But I agree that JIRA tickets with a bunch of design discussion and POC’s 
> and such in them can get pretty long and convoluted.  
>    I don’t really like the idea of moving all of that discussion to email 
> which makes it has harder to point someone to it. Maybe a better idea would 
> be to have a “design/POC” JIRA and an “implementation” JIRA. That way we 
> could still keep things in JIRA, but the final decision would be kept 
> “clean”.  
>    Though it would be nice if people would send an email to the dev list when 
> proposing “design” JIRA’s, as not everyone has time to follow every JIRA ever 
> made to see that a new design JIRA was created that they might be interested 
> in participating on.  
>    My 2c.  
>    -Jeremiah  
>> On Aug 15, 2016, at 9:22 AM, Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com> wrote:  
>> A long time ago, I was a proponent of keeping most development discussions  
>> on Jira, where tickets can be self contained and the threadless nature  
>> helps keep discussions from getting sidetracked.  
>> But Cassandra was a lot smaller then, and as we've grown it has become  
>> necessary to separate out the signal (discussions of new features and major  
>> changes) from the noise of routine bug reports.  
>> I propose that we take advantage of the dev list to perform that  
>> separation. Major new features and architectural improvements should be  
>> discussed first here, then when consensus on design is achieved, moved to  
>> Jira for implementation and review.  
>> I think this will also help with the problem when the initial idea proves  
>> to be unworkable and gets revised substantially later after much  
>> discussion. It can be difficult to figure out what the conclusion was, as  
>> review comments start to pile up afterwards. Having that discussion on the  
>> list, and summarizing on Jira, would mitigate this.  
>> --  
>> Jonathan Ellis  
>> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra  
>> co-founder, http://www.datastax.com  
>> @spyced  

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