
it's better to send such questions to user list, not dev.

Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin, 

Winguzone - Cloud Cassandra Hosting

---- On Wed, 21 Dec 2016 17:25:07 -0500 shyla deshpande 
<deshpandesh...@gmail.com> wrote ----

Hi All, 


The protobuf message 'sessionproto' that I receive has a field that is 

recursive. How do I define a data model in Cassandra to store this 

data. itemrelationproto 

references itemgroupproto and itemgroupproto references itemrelationproto . 



message itemrelationproto { 


 optional string id = 1; 


 optional itemgroupproto itemgroup = 2; 






message itemgroupproto { 


 optional string id = 1; 


 optional string displayname = 2; 


 repeated itemrelationproto itemrelations = 3; 






message sessionproto { 


 optional string sessionid = 1; 


 optional string displayname = 3; 


 repeated itemrelationproto itemrelations = 4; 





create type itemrelationproto ( 


 id text, 


 itemgroup frozen<itemgroupproto> 






create type itemgroupproto ( 


 id text, 


 displayname text, 


 itemrelations set<frozen<itemrelationproto>> 






create table sessionproto ( 


 sessionid text, 


 displayname text, 


 itemrelations set<frozen<itemrelationproto>, 


 primary key (sessionid) 



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