
*On short:*
I use cassandra 3.0.9 in a cluster of 6 nodes.
1. I create a keyspace called test:
    CREATE KEYSPACE business WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
'replication_factor': '3'}  AND durable_writes = true;
2. I create table called test:

CREATE TABLE test.test (

    test_id bigint,

    test_value text

    PRIMARY KEY (test_id)


3. I insert test_id=23 and test_value=some very large string/html (like
406088 chars utf8).

4. I query for test_id=35 and I get timeout (even with clqsh

5. If I run the above on an existing cassandra cluster with cassa 2.0 the
select returns instantly....The Java heap size is 8GB and in JMX I see max
4GB used of these 8 GB in the new cluster....


The above was just a test. The real scenario is:

I migrated some tables from an old cassa (2.0) cluster with 9 nodes into
another with 6 nodes and with cassa 3.0.9 and there was a lot of

I have a table like this:

  id text,
  ts text,
  score decimal,
  type text,
  values text,
  PRIMARY KEY (id, ts)

and the following query (which returns instantly):

SELECT * FROM keyspace.table WHERE id='someId' AND ts IN

*If I add another day in the IN clause, the response never comes (even
after 10 minutes!!!):*

SELECT * FROM keyspace.table WHERE id='someId' AND ts IN

*The 'values' column may have large json data. *

I managed to trace one of the timeouts by looking into system_trace
keyspace. Please look into the attached image and see the last process took
10 minutes!!!

I think there is some size limit somewhere because in* the IN clause *if I
have 23 params it works(under 1 second), but with more(1+) it fails. The
rows are the same size (same json size on all). In node2 of those 6 it
works with 24 params. In node1 and node3 no. The other nodes I haven't
checked yet.

I saw no concluding logs except this one from cassa's debug.log (in the
moment of the timeout or very close to that):

*DEBUG [Thrift:2608] 2017-11-15 13:48:05,611 ReadCallback.java:126 - Timed
out; received 0 of 1 responses*

I think this problem has the same root cause as the one from the test
(large html text) and it is related to some memory limit by code somewhere.

Thank you,

[image: screenshot.png]

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