Since we'll be maintaining backwards compatibility with python 2.7, we
can't really use python 3 only language features or reserved keywords
anyways so we should probably just target the lowest common denominator (so
3.4 or 3.5 probably) and then after Python 2 is officially EOL in 2020
perhaps we can work on replacing 2.7 support with a newer Python 3 version?

Regarding common distros, I believe that these are the default py2 and py3
versions on CentOS and Ubuntu LTS:

Centos 7: python = python 2, python 2.7.5, python 3.5/3.6 available via SCL
Centos 6: python = python 2, python 2.6.6, python 3.5/3.6 available via SCL
Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial): python = python 2, python 2.7.12, python 3.5.2
Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic): python = python 2, python 2.7.15rc1, python 3.6.7

^^ based on variants of "docker run -it ubuntu:16.04 bin/bash -c 'apt
update && apt install -y python3 && python3 --version' | tail" and "docker
run -it centos:7 python --version" and such.


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 11:47 AM Jordan West <> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 7:52 PM Michael Shuler <>
> wrote:
> > On 3/18/19 9:06 PM, Patrick Bannister wrote:
> > > I recommend we pick the longest supported stable release available.
> That
> > > would be Python 3.7, which is planned to get its last release in 2023,
> > four
> > > years from now.
> > > - Python 3.5 was planned to get its last major release yesterday
> > > - Python 3.6 is planned to get its last major release in December 2021,
> > > about three years from now
> > >
> > > Any feedback on picking a tested Python version for cqlshlib? I'm
> > inclined
> > > to focus on Python 3.7 as we push toward finishing the ticket.
> >
> > The correct method of choosing this would be to target runtime
> > functionality on the version in the latest LTS release of the likely
> > most-used OS. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS comes with python-3.6.5. I would think it
> > highly likely that if it runs properly on 3.6, it should run on 3.7
> In my experience working with a different python project recently this
> isn’t the case. There are reserved keywords that were added between 3.6 and
> 3.7:
> Jordan
> > fine. Using some 3.7-only feature/syntax and making it difficult on
> > people to install/use on Ubuntu LTS would be user-unfriendly.
> >
> >
> >
> > There is not a similar CentOS package search, but I see a couple docs
> > say that python-3.6 is available via the SCL repository for this OS. I
> > do not see a 3.7 installation noted.
> >
> > Shoot for the lowest common denominator in real world usage, not the
> > latest release from upstream. Super strong opinion, here.
> >
> > --
> > Michael
> >
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