> I opened an infra ticket this morning

 Well that was quick (it's done). I'll be setting up that test epic today.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 11:46 AM Joshua McKenzie <jmcken...@apache.org>

> Got a 4.0 progress update for everyone:
> First off, the 4.0 board can be found at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355.
> The broad view: We have a total of 95 tickets open for 4.0 releases:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?filter=12347896
> One report I often find interesting as a measure of velocity and momentum
> is the Cumulative Flow Diagram. This shows, for all ticket statuses on a
> board, the relative growth rate of categories and statuses from ToDo all
> the way to Done. Here's the link for this over the past 6 months:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355&projectKey=CASSANDRA&view=reporting&chart=cumulativeFlowDiagram&swimlane=939&swimlane=936&swimlane=931&column=1505&column=1506&column=1514&column=1509&column=1512&column=1507&days=180
> What I take away from this: we had a pretty significant uptick in momentum
> here beginning in January. Very excited to see that!
> *Progress*: We closed 11 more tickets this week (38% increase from last!)
> for a rolling total of 37 (up from 26 in the last update) of 132 (up from
> 122 last week) across 4.0-alpha, 4.0-beta, and 4.0. Closed:
> Filter for all Recent or open scope on 4.0 (root of the kanban board):
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?filter=12347782
> *Newly opened tickets*
> We had 6 new tickets open in the last week. 3 of them are closed out, and
> 3 of them are alpha release flagged flakey tests - these are good
> candidates for anyone wanting to get newly involved in dev or branch out
> into a new area of the code-base. All of them are located in the SASIIndex
> code so that could be interesting.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355&projectKey=CASSANDRA&quickFilter=1670
> *LHF / Failing Tests*: 6 of the 11 failing tests now have an assignee. The
> remaining 5 unassigned tickets (3 of which are the SASI above) can be
> found at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355&projectKey=CASSANDRA&quickFilter=1660&quickFilter=1661&quickFilter=1658
> *Needs Reviewer*: 7 tickets need a reviewer. This is *up* from 6 last
> week. They can be found at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355&quickFilter=1659
> *Available to work*: 5 alpha (the remaining test failures), 4 beta, and 14
> RC issues are unassigned. We had 1 unassigned waiting review that I fixed
> assignee on and 2 tickets stalled w/out assignee in non-backlog status I've
> poked people about on ticket. These unassigned tickets can be found at
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355&view=detail&selectedIssue=CASSANDRA-15308&quickFilter=1661&quickFilter=1658
> *Ready to Commit*: 6 tickets are marked ready to commit. I've added a JQL
> quick filter to the board for them here:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=355&selectedIssue=CASSANDRA-14688&quickFilter=1672&quickFilter=1661
> *Testing*:  On our 4.0 Quality and Test Plan Wiki:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CASSANDRA/4.0+Quality%3A+Components+and+Test+Plans
> [Areas needing Shepherds] - 6
> - Distributed Read/Write Path: Coordination, Replication, and Read Repair
> - Metrics
> - Cluster Setup and Maintenance
> - Platforms / Runtimes
> - Cluster Upgrade
> - Transient Replication
> [Areas needing tracking tickets] - 11
> - Local Read/Write Path: Other Areas
> - Distributed Read/Write Path: Coordination, Replication, and Read Repair
> - Repair
> - Compaction
> - Metrics
> - Tooling: Bundled / First-Party
> - Tooling: External Ecosystem
> - Test Frameworks, Tooling, Infrastructure / Automation
> - Cluster Setup and Maintenance
> - Platforms / Runtimes
> - Cluster Upgrade
> *Alpha test: Translating the cwiki on quality / testing into an epic*
> As a reminder, I'm going to be trying out building an epic out of the
> testing efforts enumerated in the confluence wiki (link:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CASSANDRA/4.0+Quality%3A+Components+and+Test+Plans).
> I'll send out an email to the dev list to see what we think about that
> format and the relative value of unifying workflow and collab tracking.
> We've been blocked on the inability to create epics in the C* project so
> that ball has been in my court; got a bit behind on that this week. I
> opened an infra ticket this morning asking to open up this functionality
> (reference: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-19797). The
> reason I want to try this out: there's a pretty fat part of scope that's
> got high uncertainty to me (these broad testing efforts) so the more we can
> do to reduce friction to exploring, documenting, and facilitating
> collaboration on that scope the better.
> It's great to see that we have enough momentum to justify a weekly email
> about this stuff! Also been really good to see increased discussion both on
> slack and on the dev list. Thanks everyone, and let me know if there's
> anything you'd like to see change about this reporting and tracking!
> ~Josh

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