Link to JIRA board:

It's been a week of toiling on the tasks we need to ship a release --
fixing bugs and flaky tests.

We've had 0 new ticket opened against 4.0 since the last status email (6d).

We've closed out 10 tickets since the last status email (6d)

For a delta of -10 total tickets, and a grand total of 98 tickets currently

The cumulative flow diagram continues to show healthy progress:

[Unassigned Tickets]

We have 2 alpha, 3 beta, 17 RC tickets without assigness.

A couple of test failures would be good to investigate, however the two
BufferPool tickets remain unassigned still.

CASSANDRA-15306: Investigate why we are allocating 8MiB chunks and reaching
the maximum BufferPool size

Our current unassigned white whale from July of last year:
CASSANDRA-15229: BufferPool Regression
The TL;DR from Benedict on the ticket: "The BufferPool was never intended
to be used for a ChunkCache, and we need to either change our behaviour to
handle uncorrelated lifetimes or use something else. "
So this one could be quite an interesting challenge for someone that knows
this portion of the codebase.

[Stuck tickets - needs reviewer]
(removing tickets that have had discussion since the most recent patch was
made available and checked with a few assignees on Slack)

CASSANDRA-15565 Fix flaky test
indexCorrectlyMarkedAsBuildAndRemoved -- it's fairly small.

[Notable tickets closed in the past week]

CASSANDRA-15338, CASSANDRA-15552, CASSANDRA-15613 fixes for flakey tests.
Fans of green CI runs can rejoice.

CASSANDRA-15476, CASSANDRA-15481, CASSANDRA-15353 docs for Transient
Replication and Data Modeling
and more.

CASSANDRA-15616 Expose Cassandra related system properties in a virtual

Thanks everyone for all your hard work.


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