Hi everyone,

Thanks to hard work by Mick every push to the cassandra-website *src/*
directory in master is now automatically deployed to
https://cassandra.staged.apache.org/. The automation is carried out by a
Jenkins job at https://ci-cassandra.apache.org/job/cassandra-website/. This
is really useful because it allows us to preview our changes in the staging
site before we push them to the production site!

With the above change in place, the process to deploy a change to the
production site is.
1. Commit your change to the *src/* directory in the master branch. Jenkins
will now automatically generate the (HTML) site pages in *content/*
directory on the asf-staging branch.
2. Preview your changes on the staging site:
3. If the changes look good, then merge the *content/* directory on the
asf-staging branch to the master branch using:

$ git merge asf-staging
$ git push

An issue with the above process is the master branch history is now going
to get polluted with the auto-generated content commits. Even without the
Jenkins automation, the process to publish to the production site still had
the issue where commits to the master branch included both the *src/* and
*content/* directory changes. A small one line change to the *src/*
directory, could result in changes to hundreds of pages in the *content/*

Rather than serving the production site from the *content/* directory on
the master branch, is there any objection to serving it from the asf-site
branch? This would mean that the last step in the above process would be
performed on the asf-site branch rather than the master branch. In
addition, there would be no need to have a *content/* directory on the
master branch. The *content/* directory from which the production site is
served would live in the asf-site branch. This would clean the master
branch history, hiding the generated *content/* directory and the unwieldy
content changes generated by Jenkins user.

Let me know what you think about the proposed change.


On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 16:40, Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:

> For our cassandra-website repository, any changes to our website can now
> first be staged at https://cassandra.staged.apache.org/
> The staged website comes from the content/ directory on the `asf-staging`
> branch.
> regards,
> Mick

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