The board can be found here:


[Tickets That Need Attention]

We have 8 beta issues that are in the "Needs Attention" (stalled, needs
reviewer) bucket. While not as pressing as the Alpha tickets, please raise
a flag if you could use some help either on collaboration or on a review

[Alpha Status]

We have 9 tickets not marked as 'done' for 4.0-alpha.  7 of them
are related to flaky tests.  Of the remaining I think one can be
deferred to 4.0-beta and have pinged the reporter, which leaves
just 2.

(In Progress) CASSANDRA-15262 server_encryption_options is not
backwards compatible with 3.11
(In Review)   CASSANDRA-15674 liveDiskSpaceUsed and totalDiskSpaceUsed
get corrupted if IndexSummaryRedistribution gets interrupted

We are so close to being able to cut the first beta.

[Beta Status]

Referencing the above link, we have 15 bugs or tasks in beta. 8 of those
are the Needs Attention referred to above and we have 6 that are backlogged
in ToDo status. If you have tickets assigned to you that are flagged beta
but don't currently have cycles to work on them, consider pinging in the
#cassandra-dev channel on slack or hitting up the dev ML to see if there's
anyone else with interest and cycles to help out there.

[Needs Reviewer]

Just one! A docs PR CASSANDRA-15749 Make clear in the documentation
that stress is not a secured tool

[Open vs. Closed Last 21 Days & Cumulative Flow]

After a few weeks of closing more tickets than were opened, things are
flattening off to closing about as many as we open. Nothing to be
worried about, looks like reporting things that are being found and

The Cumulative Flow Diagram:


(copying from Josh last week as it's worth re-stating)

There's 6 tickets in BLOCKED status in the rc release, all linked to the
40_Quality_Test epic, that I'm a little wary of. Those are probably our
largest unidentified and unspecified scope outstanding to hitting a 4.0 GA,
but they're also incredibly important for us to "do right" as a project in
order to have 4.0 be a truly stable and production ready release. If you
have a point of view on those tickets, please take a little time to share
that PoV on there and help unstick them, since there are contributors
available to be executing on those tests in parallel while we're executing
on closing up our alpha and beta phases.

Thanks for all the hard work through the least glamorous part of shipping...


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