As part of the work, I think all content files should be moved to
> cassandra/doc. This would give a clear separation of concerns;
>  - cassandra/doc contains the material (asciidoc) that is converted to the
> website content.
>  - cassandra-website hosts the live content and contains all the UI
> resources (html templates, css, js, images) that style the content.

Document authors only need to touch one repository to make content edits.

How would this work when you have one version of cassandra-website and
multiple versions of the in-tree docs.

The in-tree docs (cassandra/doc/) is tied to each C* version. Folk want to
look up the documentation specific to the version they are using. While the
cassandra-website docs are for everything not specific to a C* version.

And there are multiple versions of the in-tree docs hosted underneath the
cassandra-website docs, see `asf-staging` and `asf-site` branches. Putting
this in the main repo would make clones bigger. And there's also the issue
of Antora being under MPL and we have to be strict about not distributing
any of its files in any of our releases.

I would have suggested instead, moving as much of the non-version-specific
content to cassandra-website…


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