At the end of the 7 day period, 26 issues remained with "4.0-triage" in
their fixversion. All 4.0-triage/alphe/beta/rc fixversions have been
removed from these remaining tickets and they are now flagged fixversion

Thanks everyone.

On Thu, Oct 08, 2020 at 3:58 PM, Caleb Rackliffe <>

> Opted one issue, CASSANDRA-15821, back into 4.0-rc, as it was meant to
> complete the documentation for CASSANDRA-15909, which is already resolved.
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 2:27 PM David Capwell <>
> wrote:
> Updated the link to exclude resolved; down to 27 remaining (was 32)
> ?jql=project%20%3D%20cassandra%20and%20fixversion%20%3D%204.
> 0-triage%20and%20status%20!%3D%20Resolved
> On Oct 7, 2020, at 12:16 PM, Joshua McKenzie <>
> wrote:
> Thanks for taking action on that Scott.
> Just want to ping the list here as a reminder for everyone: 48 hours to
> go!
> Reminder: *anything you think is crucial for us to get in before 4.0 GA,
> please remove the 4.0-triage FixVersion from the tickets by Friday*.
> Thanks.
> On Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 11:57 PM, Scott Andreas <>
> wrote:
> Thank you, Josh! Just took a pass and opted in 22 of the 55 tickets with
> the triage keyword as of this evening, most of which are active this
> month
> or are for flaky/failing tests.
> – Scott
> ________________________________________
> From: Joshua McKenzie <> Sent: Monday, October 5,
> 2020 11:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: 4.0 GA scope: the opt-in approach (CALL TO ACTION)
> Friendly reminder: please check the link in the previous email and
> remove
> the 4.0-triage version from any tickets you want to keep included in 4.0
> GA.
> Thanks.
> ~Josh
> On Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 5:58 PM, Joshua McKenzie <>
> wrote:
> As discussed on the contributor call, we collectively agreed to try
> something new to determine scope for 4.0. Rather than going ticket by
> ticket or "asking for forgiveness" and having people move things out
> individually, we've flagged all tickets in the 4.0 scope that are still
> open with the fixversion '4.0-triage' with the intent to "opt things
> in".
> Link:
> ?jql=project%20%3D%20cassandra%20and%20fixversion%20%3D%204.0-triage
> If there's a ticket you want to keep in the 4.0 release, please edit the
> ticket and remove the '4.0-triage' fixversion. Let's target having this
> done by End of Day Friday, October 9th (one week from now).
> If you don't have access to remove that fixver from a ticket, please
> reach
> out to me (jmckenzie), Jordan West, or Jon Meredith on the-asf slack in
> #cassandra-dev or via DM and we'll help you out.
> At the end of day on Oct 9th, we'll go through and move every ticket
> that
> still has 4.0-triage into 4.0.x and have our scope for 4.0 GA.
> Sound good?
> ~Josh
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