I am using java8. I am getting the following error when executing 'ant'


    [javac] Compiling 58 source files to

    [javac] warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_6' from annotation
processor 'org.openjdk.jmh.generators.BenchmarkProcessor' less than -source

error: cannot find symbol

  InstanceClassLoader.getDefaultLoadSharedFilter().test(s) ||


    [javac]   symbol:   method getDefaultLoadSharedFilter()

    [javac]   location: class InstanceClassLoader

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]         return delegate().executeInternalWithResult(query,

    [javac]                          ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method executeInternalWithResult(String,Object[])

    [javac]   location: interface IInvokableInstance

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]         return delegate().getReleaseVersionString();

    [javac]                          ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method getReleaseVersionString()

    [javac]   location: interface IInvokableInstance

error: constructor InstanceClassLoader in class InstanceClassLoader cannot
be applied to given types;

    [javac]             ClassLoader classLoader = new
InstanceClassLoader(generation, config.num(), version.classpath,
sharedClassLoader, SHARED_PREDICATE);

    [javac]                                       ^

    [javac]   required: int,int,URL[],ClassLoader

    [javac]   found: int,int,URL[],ClassLoader,Predicate<String>

    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]         @Override

    [javac]         ^

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]             return delegate().getLogsEnabled();

    [javac]                              ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method getLogsEnabled()

    [javac]   location: interface IInvokableInstance

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]         @Override

    [javac]         ^

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]             return delegate().logs();

    [javac]                              ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method logs()

    [javac]   location: interface IInvokableInstance

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: Coordinator is not abstract and does not override abstract method
asyncExecuteWithTracing(UUID,String,ConsistencyLevel,Object...) in

    [javac] public class Coordinator implements ICoordinator

    [javac]        ^

error: executeWithResult(String,ConsistencyLevel,Object...) in Coordinator
cannot implement executeWithResult(String,ConsistencyLevel,Object...) in

    [javac]     public SimpleQueryResult executeWithResult(String query,
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel, Object... boundValues)

    [javac]                              ^

    [javac]   return type SimpleQueryResult is not compatible with

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: Instance is not abstract and does not override abstract method
executeInternal(String,Object...) in IInstance

    [javac] public class Instance extends IsolatedExecutor implements

    [javac]        ^

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: constructor NodeToolResult in class NodeToolResult cannot be applied
to given types;

    [javac]                 return new NodeToolResult(commandAndArgs, rc,

    [javac]                        ^

    [javac]   required: String[],int,List<Notification>,Throwable

    [javac]   found:

    [javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

error: incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to NodeToolResult

    [javac]         }).call();

    [javac]                ^

error: TestBaseImpl is not abstract and does not override abstract method
<I,C>builder() in DistributedTestBase

    [javac] public class TestBaseImpl extends DistributedTestBase

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac]     public Cluster.Builder builder() {

    [javac]                            ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype

    [javac]     @Override

    [javac]     ^

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class BootstrapBinaryDisabledTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]         node.logs().watchFor("Starting listening for CQL

    [javac]             ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method logs()

    [javac]   location: variable node of type IInvokableInstance

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]         SimpleQueryResult qr =
node.executeInternalWithResult("SELECT bootstrapped FROM system.local WHERE

    [javac]                                    ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method executeInternalWithResult(String)

    [javac]   location: variable node of type IInvokableInstance

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]         LogResult<List<String>> results = node.logs().grep(msg);

    [javac]                                               ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method logs()

    [javac]   location: variable node of type IInvokableInstance

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class BootstrapTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class ByteBuddyExamples extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class CASTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class ClientNetworkStopStartTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: incompatible types: QueryResult cannot be converted to

    [javac]             SimpleQueryResult qr =
cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithResult("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE +
".tbl", ConsistencyLevel.ALL);


error: no suitable method found for

    [javac]             AssertUtils.assertRows(qr,
QueryResults.builder().row(0, 0).build());

    [javac]                        ^

    [javac]     method AssertUtils.assertRows(Object[][],Object[]...) is
not applicable

    [javac]       (argument mismatch; SimpleQueryResult cannot be converted
to Object[][])

    [javac]     method
AssertUtils.assertRows(Iterator<Object[]>,Iterator<Object[]>) is not

    [javac]       (argument mismatch; SimpleQueryResult cannot be converted
to Iterator<Object[]>)

    [javac]     method
AssertUtils.assertRows(Iterator<Object[]>,Object[]...) is not applicable

    [javac]       (argument mismatch; SimpleQueryResult cannot be converted
to Iterator<Object[]>)

error: incompatible types: QueryResult cannot be converted to

    [javac]             SimpleQueryResult qr =
cluster.coordinator(1).executeWithResult("SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE +
".tbl", ConsistencyLevel.ALL);


error: no suitable method found for

    [javac]             AssertUtils.assertRows(qr,
QueryResults.builder().row(0, 0).build());

    [javac]                        ^

    [javac]     method AssertUtils.assertRows(Object[][],Object[]...) is
not applicable

    [javac]       (argument mismatch; SimpleQueryResult cannot be converted
to Object[][])

    [javac]     method
AssertUtils.assertRows(Iterator<Object[]>,Iterator<Object[]>) is not

    [javac]       (argument mismatch; SimpleQueryResult cannot be converted
to Iterator<Object[]>)

    [javac]     method
AssertUtils.assertRows(Iterator<Object[]>,Object[]...) is not applicable

    [javac]       (argument mismatch; SimpleQueryResult cannot be converted
to Iterator<Object[]>)

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]         asserts.stdoutContains(expectedStatus);

    [javac]                ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method stdoutContains(String)

    [javac]   location: variable asserts of type NodeToolResult.Asserts

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]             asserts.stdoutNotContains(notExpected);

    [javac]                    ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method stdoutNotContains(String)

    [javac]   location: variable asserts of type NodeToolResult.Asserts

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class GossipSettlesTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class GossipShutdownTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class GossipTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class JVMDTestTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: cannot find symbol


    [javac]                                       ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method logs()

    [javac]   location: interface IInvokableInstance

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]             LogAction logs = cluster.get(2).logs();

    [javac]                                            ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method logs()

    [javac]   location: interface IInvokableInstance

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class JVMStabilityInspectorCorruptSSTableExceptionTest
extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class MessageFiltersTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class MessageForwardingTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class NativeProtocolTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class NetworkTopologyTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class NodeToolTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

    [javac]   where I,C are type-variables:

    [javac]     I extends IInstance declared in method <I,C>builder()

    [javac]     C extends ICluster declared in method <I,C>builder()

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]             ringResult.asserts().stdoutContains("Datacenter:

    [javac]                                 ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method stdoutContains(String)

    [javac]   location: class NodeToolResult.Asserts

error: cannot find symbol

  ringResult.asserts().stdoutContains("  rack0       Up

    [javac]                                 ^

    [javac]   symbol:   method stdoutContains(String)

    [javac]   location: class NodeToolResult.Asserts

error: cannot find symbol

    [javac]             assertEquals("Non-empty error output", "",


    [javac]   symbol:   method getStderr()

    [javac]   location: variable ringResult of type NodeToolResult

error: builder() in TestBaseImpl cannot override <I,C>builder() in

    [javac] public class ReadRepairTest extends TestBaseImpl

    [javac]        ^

    [javac]   return type org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster.Builder
is not compatible with org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.Builder<I,C>

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