There's a number of ambiguities in our Project Governance wiki page.

  1. What exactly is the super majority requirement? Is it 66% of the last
roll call, or is it 50% through the inclusion of a low-water mark?

The super majority is defined as…

"Minimum participation #'s of active quorum is 66% of active quorum must
cast a vote in favour for it to be considered valid."

This is not clear. And there is also the mention of…

"A simple majority of this electorate becomes the low-watermark for votes
in favour necessary to pass a motion, with new PMC members added to the

Again, not very clear, does the low-water mark apply to both types of
majority votes.

Strictly interpreting the wiki doc means our super majority requires 13,
not 10, votes. (Based on our last roll call tallying 19.) But I believe our
intention was that simple-majority requires 50% of both votes present in
the thread and participation of roll call, and super-majority requires 66%
of votes present in the thread as well as the 50% of roll-call participation
. That is, both types of majority votes require the 50% of last roll call

Does anybody have any different understanding of our requirements?

  2. Releases not following either simple or majority rules.

This is mentioned briefly. But subsequent text on voting specifics, the
precedence in the doc is not clear enough, IMHO.

Benedict and I have agreed to improve the wiki page. Once done we will
follow up here to ensure everyone agrees the change is safe and follows all
our intentions.

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