Proposing the test build of Cassandra 4.0-rc1 for release.

sha1: 2facbc97ea215faef1735d9a3d5697162f61bc8c
Maven Artifacts:

The Source and Build Artifacts, and the Debian and RPM packages and
repositories, are available here:

The vote will be open for 72 hours (longer if needed). Everyone who has
tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC members are considered
binding. A vote passes if there are at least three binding +1s and no -1's.

Known issues with this release, that are planned to be fixed in 4.0-rc2, are
 - four files were missing copyright headers,
 - LICENSE and NOTICE contain additional unneeded information,
 - jar files under lib/ in the source artefact.

These issues are actively being worked on, along with our expectations that
the ASF makes the policy around them more explicit so it is clear exactly
what is required of us.

[1]: CHANGES.txt:;a=blob_plain;f=CHANGES.txt;hb=refs/tags/4.0-rc1-tentative
[2]: NEWS.txt:;a=blob_plain;f=NEWS.txt;hb=refs/tags/4.0-rc1-tentative

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