Are we ready to cut 4.0.0 (GA) once the following tickets land?

 CASSANDRA-16733 – Allow operators to disable 'ALTER ... DROP COMPACT
STORAGE' statements"
 CASSANDRA-16669 – Password obfuscation for DCL audit log statements
 CASSANDRA-16735 – Adding columns via ALTER TABLE can generate corrupt

A bit more background.

1. On our 4.0 GA board there's a few other tickets, which have priority but
are not blockers for a GA release.

 CASSANDRA-16715 – WEBSITE - June 2021 updates
 CASSANDRA-12519 – dtest failure in
 CASSANDRA-16681 – org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.LongBufferPoolTest -
tests are flaky
 CASSANDRA-16689 – Flaky LeaveAndBootstrapTest

2. We also said we would get 5 green CI runs in a row. Progress on that front
has been slow and risks delaying GA and our user base. It has had priority
and there's been lots of momentum which is persisting: lots of flaky fixes
committed; and the following are being discussed to keep pushing it in the
right direction…
 - Long-term observability over flakies
 - Jenkins agent observability (infra stability)

The past weeks has seen good progress on stability of ci-cassandra.a.o with
the introduction of cpu docker limits imposed, and better monitoring of the
agents so we can ensure we get the saturation and load we want. Dockerising
the cqlshlib tests is also in progress.

The alternative to a 4.0.0 GA release is a 4.0-rc2 release.
Should the next release be: 4.0.0 (GA) or 4.0-rc2 ?

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