Amending the CEP with the proposed addendum seems to me like a reasonable
compromise to de-escalate this matter and move forward, addressing
potential concerns without any prejudice to the original goals of the CEP.

Em sex., 15 de out. de 2021 às 15:11, Jonathan Ellis <>

> Hi all,
> We have had several discussions today as to how to move forward on CEP-15,
> given that the first vote was vetoed by myself and Mick. From my side the
> concern has been that the distributed transactions design space inherently
> requires tradeoffs; Accord represents one set of those tradeoffs but I want
> to make sure that what we do now makes it easier to add other
> implementations representing other points in that design space, rather than
> tightly coupling us to just one option as we have been to date.
> I do think Accord is an interesting proposal that advances the state of the
> art in material ways.  As Mick has pointed out, my veto was not intended to
> block it as such, but to make sure that we spend the time necessary to
> understand how it might fit into a longer term roadmap beyond the scope of
> CEP-15 itself.
> It was my assumption that we could afford to continue such discussions to
> get further clarity while the Accord team continues to improve their
> prototype. However, I've learned today via some background discussions that
> not approving the CEP in fact blocks the team behind it from fully
> committing to this work.
> That's unfortunate, and I suspect frustrating.  To unblock things, I think
> we can move forward if we can add the following language to the CEP, under
> "Long Term".  (Some degree of pluggability is already implied by the goal
> of replacing LWT, but this is worth making explicit.)
> *This work shall be developed in a modular manner, to allow for coexistence
> with other consensus protocols or transaction managers. This will allow us
> to evolve Accord without precluding alternative solutions, as future work
> expands Cassandra's transactional capabilities beyond the goals of this
> CEP. Initially, supporting the Paxos-based LWT and Accord side by side is
> also an example of such modularity and optionality.*
> (For completeness, I note that explicitly adding pluggability as a
> requirement means that it is no longer necessary to also add a LOCAL_SERIAL
> option to Accord itself, although that is of course still an option.)
> --
> Jonathan Ellis
> co-founder,
> @spyced

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