Chris Thornett, Diogenese Topper and I compiled a recap of the marketing
work we contributed to Cassandra in 2021. We also developed a recommended
approach for 2022. Our aim is to be a resource that advances the
community's interests, so we would greatly appreciate your input here
and/or in the deck:

1. Is the recommended approach aligned with what the community wants to
achieve this year? If not, what would you modify?

2. What are the community's thoughts on items in the Ideas &
Recommendations section? Do you have other ideas not represented here we
could help with?

3. Generally speaking, what's working and what's not? We appreciate
feedback so we can best support.

4. One of our key challenges has been getting our website pull requests
(blogs, homepage updates etc.) committed in a timely manner so the
thousands of daily visitors see the most current info. We are grateful for
the ongoing support of Mick, Erick et al and wonder if others could pitch
in ongoing? It's typically no more than one commit per week; discussed on
the #cassandra-website channel. Appreciate your consideration.

Looking forward to your input.


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