I think we discussed this a couple of weeks ago, but to reiterate my
position: I think we should use annotations where they allow the compiler
and ancillary tooling (e.g. FindBugs) to catch and prevent classes of
errors. @Override seems like a pretty easy one to add, and has concrete
examples of the kinds of errors it can prevent. We discussed @Nullable,
@Threadsafe and others that may have more marginal utility, so we were a
bit less prescriptive there. To sum up, I agree with Alex that @Override
has enough utility to say we should use it by default.



On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 8:04 AM Dinesh Joshi <djo...@apache.org> wrote:

> So your proposal is to always add override annotation? Or are there
> situations where you don’t want to add them?
> On Jun 3, 2022, at 6:53 AM, Alex Petrov <al...@coffeenco.de> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In our style guide [1], we have a following statement:
> > Avoid redundant @Override annotations when implementing abstract or
> interface methods.
> I'd like to suggest we change this.
> @Override annotation in subclasses might be annoying when you're writing
> the code for the first time, or reading already familiar code, but when
> you're working on large changes and have complex class hierarchies, or
> multiple overloads for the method, it's easy to overlook methods that were
> not marked as overrides, and leave a wrong method in the code, or
> misinterpret the call chain.
> I think @Override annotations are extremely useful and serve their
> purpose, especially when refactoring: I can change the interface, and will
> not only be pointed to all classes that do not implement the new version
> (which compiler will do anyways), but also will be pointed to the classes
> that, to the human eye, may look like they're overriding the method, but in
> fact they do not.
> More concrete example: there is an abstract class between the interface
> and a concrete implementation: you change the interface, modify the method
> in the abstract class, but then forget to change the signature in the
> overriden implementation of the concrete class, and get a behaviour from
> the abstract class rather then concrete implementation.
> The question is not about taste or code aesthetics, but about making
> maintaining a large codebase that has a lot of complexity and that was
> evolving over many years simpler. If you could provide an example where
> @Override would be counter-productive or overly burdensome, we could
> compare this cost of maintenance with the cost of potential errors.
> Thank you,
> --Alex
> [1] https://cassandra.apache.org/_/development/code_style.html

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