I think that's right, using a closed range makes sense to consume the data
provided by "sstablemetadata", which also provides closed ranges.
Especially because with half-open ranges we couldn't compact a sstable with
a single big partition, of which we might only know the token but no the
partition key.

So probably we should just add documentation about both -st and -et being
inclusive, and live with a different meaning of -st in repair and compact.

Also, the reason why this is so confusing in the test that started the
discussion is that those closed token ranges are internally represented as
"Range<Token>" objects, which are half-open by definition. So we should
document those methods, and maybe do some minor changes to avoid the use of
"Range<Token>" to silently represent closed token ranges.

On Tue, 26 Jul 2022 at 16:27, Jeremiah D Jordan <jeremiah.jor...@gmail.com>

> Reading the responses here and taking a step back, I think the current
> behavior of nodetool compact is probably the correct behavior.  The main
> use case I can see for using nodetool compact is someone wants to take some
> sstable and compact it with all the overlapping sstables.  So you run
> “sstablemetadata” on the sstable and get the min and max tokens, and then
> you pass those in to nodetool compact.  In that case you do want the closed
> range.
> This is different from running repair where you get the tokens from the
> nodes/nodetool ring and node those level token ranges ownership is half
> open when going from “token owned by node a to token owned by node b”.
> So my initial thought/gut reaction that it should work like repair is
> misleading, because you don’t get the tokens from the same place you get
> them when running repair.
> Making the command line options more explicit and documented does seem
> like it could be useful.
> -Jeremiah Jordan
> On Jul 26, 2022, at 9:16 AM, Derek Chen-Becker <de...@chen-becker.org>
> wrote:
> +1 to new flags. A released, albeit undocumented, behavior is still a
> contract with the end user. Flags (and documentation) seem like the right
> path to address the situation.
> Cheers,
> Derek
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 7:28 AM Benedict Elliott Smith <
> bened...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I think a change like this could be dangerous for a lot of existing
>> automation built atop nodetool.
>> I’m not sure this change is worthwhile. I think it would be better to
>> introduce e.g. -ste and -ete for “start token exclusive” and “end token
>> exclusive” so that users can opt-in to whichever scheme they prefer for
>> their tooling, without breaking existing users.
>> > On 26 Jul 2022, at 14:22, Brandon Williams <dri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > +1, I think that makes the most sense.
>> >
>> > Kind Regards,
>> > Brandon
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 8:19 AM J. D. Jordan <jeremiah.jor...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I like the third option, especially if it makes it consistent with
>> repair, which has supported ranges longer and I would guess most people
>> would think the compact ranges work the same as the repair ranges.
>> >>
>> >> -Jeremiah Jordan
>> >>
>> >>> On Jul 26, 2022, at 6:49 AM, Andrés de la Peña <adelap...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> 
>> >>> Hi all,
>> >>>
>> >>> CASSANDRA-17575 has detected that token ranges in nodetool compact
>> are interpreted as closed on both sides. For example, the command "nodetool
>> compact -st 10 -et 50" will compact the tokens in [10, 50]. This way of
>> interpreting token ranges is unusual since token ranges are usually
>> half-open, and I think that in the previous example one would expect that
>> the compacted tokens would be in (10, 50]. That's for example the way
>> nodetool repair works, and indeed the class org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range
>> is always half-open.
>> >>>
>> >>> It's worth mentioning that, differently from nodetool repair, the
>> help and doc for nodetool compact doesn't specify whether the supplied
>> start/end tokens are inclusive or exclusive.
>> >>>
>> >>> I think that ideally nodetool compact should interpret the provided
>> token ranges as half-open, to be consistent with how token ranges are
>> usually interpreted. However, this would change the way the tool has worked
>> until now. This change might be problematic for existing users relying on
>> the old behaviour. That would be especially severe for the case where the
>> begin and end token are the same, because interpreting [x, x] we would
>> compact a single token, whereas I think that interpreting (x, x] would
>> compact all the tokens. As for compacting ranges including multiple tokens,
>> I think the change wouldn't be so bad, since probably the supplied token
>> ranges come from tools that are already presenting the ranges as half-open.
>> Also, if we are splitting the full ring into smaller ranges, half-open
>> intervals would still work and would save us some repetitions.
>> >>>
>> >>> So my question is: Should we change the behaviour of nodetool compact
>> to interpret the token ranges as half-opened, aligning it with the usual
>> interpretation of ranges? Or should we just document the current odd
>> behaviour to prevent compatibility issues?
>> >>>
>> >>> A third option would be changing to half-opened ranges and also
>> forbidding ranges where the begin and end token are the same, to prevent
>> the accidental compaction of the entire ring. Note that nodetool repair
>> also forbids this type of token ranges.
>> >>>
>> >>> What do you think?
> --
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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