Good catch, I'll update the doc.


> On 24 Aug 2022, at 10:24, Claude Warren, Jr via dev 
> <> wrote:
> Should 
> (**) It may seem counterintuitive, that A is being written to even after 
> we've stopped reading from it. This is done in order to guarantee that by the 
> time we stop writing to the node giving up the range, there is no coordinator 
> that may attempt reading from it without learning about at least the epoch 
> where it is not a part of a read set. In other words, we have to keep writing 
> until there's any chance there might be a reader.
> instead read:
> (**) It may seem counterintuitive, that A is being written to even after 
> we've stopped reading from it. This is done in order to guarantee that by the 
> time we stop writing to the node giving up the range, there is no coordinator 
> that may attempt reading from it without learning about at least the epoch 
> where it is not a part of a read set. In other words, we have to keep writing 
> while there's any chance there might be a reader.
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 7:13 PM Mick Semb Wever < 
> <>> wrote:
> I just want to say I’m really excited about this work. It’s one of the last 
> remaining major inadequacies of the project that makes it hard for people to 
> deploy, and hard for us to develop.
> Second this. And what a solid write up Sam - it's a real joy reading this CEP.

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