Ticket for reference: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-17896

Context: "We should expose a system env (-D) param to advanced operators to 
have the ability to specify the replace_addresses_token to be used during host 
replacement in cases where Gossip gets into a bad state."

My question for the dev list: *should* we expose this parameter and 
functionality even if it's heavily documented as being highly unsafe and a big 
foot gun? Clusters can get into states where you effectively can't bootstrap a 
replacement without nuking it and starting over and manually intervening / 
twiddling with peers tables, which this allows us to work around a bit more 
gracefully as operators, but if you do this the wrong way it opens up a world 
of hurt.

Given CEP-21 is on the horizon 
 I'm leaning towards closing this out as Won't Fix but leaving the branch 
linked in the event someone runs into this and wants to hotfix it into a local 
build or something; I'm assuming CEP-21 will land before the next major which 
would make this redundant.

What does everyone else think?


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