Hugely excited to this – thanks to the Program Committee and to the Linux Foundation 
for organizing!It's been a long few years away from conferences and I can't wait to 
see all of you.Beyond learning about what everyone is doing with Apache Cassandra, 
I'm looking forward to the hallway chats and discussion among smaller 
forums.Discussions at ApacheCon in 2019 helped hash out a plan to stabilize and ship 
4.0, and ApacheCon in 2022 led to a number of brainstorming sessions on how much 
better we can make Cassandra as features like distributed transactions, transactional 
metadata, storage-attached indexes, the BTI SSTable format, and more fall into 
place.If you or your company use Cassandra, the project's contributors would love to 
learn more about how - and how we can make it better. This conference is an awesome 
opportunity to catch up with contributors face to face. Always happy to discuss on 
the list and via Slack too, but glad this year allows us to resume events in 
person.Hope to see you there!– ScottOn Jan 24, 2023, at 4:54 PM, Patrick McFadin 
<> wrote:Hello Cassandra Community!Quick take:- Register 
before 1/28 to get discount pricing. Use code CS23DS20 to 
get 20% off- Make sure and sign up for training the day on March 12- Tell everyone 
you’re going on social media and use #CassandraSummit in your postsLonger version:If 
you have been watching what’s happening with the Cassandra Summit and thinking about 
going, I’m here to convince you that now is the time to register. The early 
registration discount ends this Saturday, January 28th. It might be helpful to 
clarify some misconceptions I keep hearing. Every other Cassandra Summit (except 
Cassandra Summit Tokyo) has been an event planned and run by DataStax. To create a 
more neutral ground that reflects our community better, Linux Foundation Events has 
taken on the considerable task of running Cassandra Summit in 2023. We are very 
grateful they took a chance on our community, and we will be better for it.When 
DataStax ran the event, we could deeply discount tickets because we treated it as a 
marketing expense. I’ve been DMed and Slacked quite a few times for free passes. 
Since this is a Linux Foundation event, unfortunately, there are no complimentary 
passes, as this is a key part of recouping their costs. You can get a 20% discount by 
using this code: CS23DS20Why is this important to mention? Our community needs an 
independent Cassandra Summit, and right now, it needs your support in attending the 
event. Let’s show the Linux Foundation that Cassandra Summit is something we value as 
a community. I know budgets are tight, and it’s hard to get approval. If you are 
able, make the case and register today. Next year when there are thousands of 
attendees at Cassandra Summit, you can tell everyone what they missed in 2023. If 
making the trip isn’t something you can do, a virtual pass is only $30 with the 
discount code and is also a great way to show support.The other important thing you 
can help with? Getting out the word about Cassandra Summit. Tell your colleagues and 
co-workers that this is a hot tip and you are hooking them up. If you are going, tell 
everyone you’ve registered and use the hashtag #CassandraSummit. Point out sessions 
you are interested in and share the love. If you can convince a couple of people to 
go, you’ve made a difference. If you need a little more motivation, just look at this 
schedule!, and I 
hope to see you there!Patrick

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