Sorry, I realised that I hadn't included any completion date for CEP-7. At
the current time we are looking at completion mid  to end of April.


On Mon, 13 Mar 2023 at 11:34, Mike Adamson <> wrote:

> CEP-7 Storage Attached Index is in review with ~430 files and ~70k LOC.
> The bulk of the project is in 3 main patches. The first patch (in-memory
> index and query path) is merged to the feature branch CASSANDRA-16052 and
> the second patch (on-disk write and literal / string index) is in review.
> Mike
> On Thu, 9 Mar 2023 at 09:13, Branimir Lambov <> wrote:
>> CEPs 25 (trie-indexed sstables) and 26 (unified compaction strategy)
>> should both be ready for review by mid-April.
>> Both are around 10k LOC, fairly isolated, and in need of a committer to
>> review.
>> Regards,
>> Branimir
>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 11:25 AM Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:
>>> Sorry, I realized that when I started the discussion I probably did not
>>> frame it enough as I see that it is now going into different directions.
>>> The concerns I am seeing are:
>>> 1) A too small amount of time between releases  is inefficient from a
>>> development perspective and from a user perspective. From a development
>>> point of view because we are missing time to deliver some features. From a
>>> user perspective because they cannot follow with the upgrade.
>>> 2) Some features are so anticipated (Accord being the one mentioned)
>>> that people would prefer to delay the release to make sure that it is
>>> available as soon as possible.
>>> 3) We do not know how long we need to go from the freeze to GA. We hope
>>> for 2 months but our last experience was 6 months. So delaying the release
>>> could mean not releasing this year.
>>> 4) For people doing marketing it is really hard to promote a product
>>> when you do not know when the release will come and what features might be
>>> there.
>>> All those concerns are probably even made worse by the fact that we do
>>> not have a clear visibility on where we are.
>>> Should we clarify that part first by getting an idea of the status of
>>> the different CEPs and other big pieces of work? From there we could agree
>>> on some timeline for the freeze. We could then discuss how to make
>>> predictable the time from freeze to GA.
>>> Le sam. 4 mars 2023 à 18:14, Josh McKenzie <> a
>>> écrit :
>>>> (for convenience sake, I'm referring to both Major and Minor semver
>>>> releases as "major" in this email)
>>>> The big feature from our perspective for 5.0 is ACCORD (CEP-15) and I
>>>> would advocate to delay until this has sufficient quality to be in
>>>> production.
>>>> This approach can be pretty unpredictable in this domain; often
>>>> unforeseen things come up in implementation that can give you a long tail
>>>> on something being production ready. For the record - I don't intend to
>>>> single Accord out *at all* on this front, quite the opposite given how
>>>> much rigor's gone into the design and implementation. I'm just thinking
>>>> from my personal experience: everything I've worked on, overseen, or
>>>> followed closely on this codebase always has a few tricks up its sleeve
>>>> along the way to having edge-cases stabilized.
>>>> Much like on some other recent topics, I think there's a nuanced middle
>>>> ground where we take things on a case-by-case basis. Some factors that have
>>>> come up in this thread that resonated with me:
>>>> For a given potential release date 'X':
>>>> 1. How long has it been since the last release?
>>>> 2. How long do we expect qualification to take from a "freeze" (i.e. no
>>>> new improvement or features, branch) point?
>>>> 3. What body of merged production ready work is available?
>>>> 4. What body of new work do we have high confidence will be ready
>>>> within Y time?
>>>> I think it's worth defining a loose "minimum bound and upper bound" on
>>>> release cycles we want to try and stick with barring extenuating
>>>> circumstances. For instance: try not to release sooner than maybe 10 months
>>>> out from a prior major, and try not to release later than 18 months out
>>>> from a prior major. Make exceptions if truly exceptional things land, are
>>>> about to land, or bugs are discovered around those boundaries.
>>>> Applying the above framework to what we have in flight, our last
>>>> release date, expectations on CI, etc - targeting an early fall freeze
>>>> (pending CEP status) and mid to late fall or December release "feels right"
>>>> to me.
>>>> With the exception, of course, that if something merges earlier, is
>>>> stable, and we feel is valuable enough to cut a major based on that, we do
>>>> it.
>>>> ~Josh
>>>> On Fri, Mar 3, 2023, at 7:37 PM, German Eichberger via dev wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We shouldn't release just for releases sake. Are there enough new
>>>> features and are they working well enough (quality!).
>>>> The big feature from our perspective for 5.0 is ACCORD (CEP-15) and I
>>>> would advocate to delay until this has sufficient quality to be in
>>>> production.
>>>> Just because something is released doesn't mean anyone is gonna use it.
>>>> To add some operator perspective: Every time there is a new release we need
>>>> to decide
>>>> 1) are we supporting it
>>>> 2) which other release can we deprecate
>>>> and potentially migrate people - which is also a tough sell if there
>>>> are no significant features and/or breaking changes.  So from my
>>>> perspective less frequent releases are better - after all we haven't gotten
>>>> around to support 4.1 🙂
>>>> The 5.0 release is also coupled with deprecating  3.11 which is what a
>>>> significant amount of people are using - given 4.1 took longer I am not
>>>> sure how many people are assuming that 5 will be delayed and haven't made
>>>> plans (OpenJDK support for 8 is longer than Java 17 🙂) . So being a
>>>> bit more deliberate with releasing 5.0 and having a longer beta phase are
>>>> all things we should consider.
>>>> My 2cts,
>>>> German
>>>> *From:* Benedict <>
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 1, 2023 5:59 AM
>>>> *To:* <>
>>>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: [DISCUSS] Next release date
>>>> It doesn’t look like we agreed to a policy of annual branch dates, only
>>>> annual releases and that we would schedule this for 4.1 based on 4.0’s
>>>> branch date. Given this was the reasoning proposed I can see why folk would
>>>> expect this would happen for the next release. I don’t think there was a
>>>> strong enough commitment here to be bound by, it if we think different
>>>> maths would work better.
>>>> I recall the goal for an annual cadence was to ensure we don’t have
>>>> lengthy periods between releases like 3.x to 4.0, and to try to reduce the
>>>> pressure certain contributors might feel to hit a specific release with a
>>>> given feature.
>>>> I think it’s better to revisit these underlying reasons and check how
>>>> they apply than to pick a mechanism and stick to it too closely.
>>>> The last release was quite recent, so we aren’t at risk of slow
>>>> releases here. Similarly, there are some features that the *project* would
>>>> probably benefit from landing prior to release, if this doesn’t push
>>>> release back too far.
>>>> On 1 Mar 2023, at 13:38, Mick Semb Wever <> wrote:
>>>> My thoughts don't touch on CEPs inflight.
>>>> For the sake of broadening the discussion, additional questions I think
>>>> worthwhile to raise are…
>>>> 1. What third parties, or other initiatives, are invested and/or
>>>> working against the May deadline? and what are their views on changing it?
>>>>   1a. If we push branching back to September, how confident are we
>>>> that we'll get to GA before the December Summit?
>>>> 2. What CEPs look like not landing by May that we consider a must-have
>>>> this year?
>>>>   2a. Is it just tail-end commits in those CEPs that won't make it? Can
>>>> these land (with or without a waiver) during the alpha phase?
>>>>   2b. If the final components to specified CEPs are not
>>>> approved/appropriate to land during alpha, would it be better if the
>>>> project commits to a one-off half-year release later in the year?
> --
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