Hi All,

Great news this has gone through, I wondering if we have a timescale for this 
making it to Beta or release ?  I’m asking because we have a project that would 
benefit from this approach.


From: Jonathan Ellis <jbel...@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 14:44
To: dev <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [VOTE] CEP-30 ANN Vector Search

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the University of Dundee. Do not 
click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender's email address 
and know the content is safe.
Thanks, all.  Closing the vote as accepted with 8 binding +1 (including me) and 
11 non-binding votes.

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 10:45 AM Jonathan Ellis 
<jbel...@gmail.com<mailto:jbel...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Let's make this official.


POC that demonstrates all the big rocks, including distributed queries: 

Jonathan Ellis
co-founder, http://www.datastax.com

Jonathan Ellis
co-founder, http://www.datastax.com

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096

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