Might be nice to support a 3rd param that's a String for the reason it's 
deprecated. i.e. "Replaced by X",  "Unmaintained", "Obsolete", "See 
CASSANDRA-NNNNN", link to a dev ML thread on pony mail, etc. That way if 
someone comes across it in the codebase they have some context to follow up on 
if it's the shape of a thing they need w/out having to go full-bore w/git blame 
and JQL.

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023, at 4:43 AM, Miklosovic, Stefan wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have a ticket to discuss (1). 
> When we deprecate APIs / methods etc, what I want to suggest is that we might 
> start to explicitly add the version when that happened. For example, if you 
> deprecated something which goes to 5.0, would you be so nice to do this?
> @Deprecated(since = "5.0") 
> Similarly, that annotation offers one more field - forRemoval, so using it 
> like this: 
> @Deprecated(since = "5.0", forRemoval = true) 
> means that this is eligible to be deleted in Cassandra 6.0. 
> With this information, it is way more comfortable to just "grep" where we are 
> at when it comes to deprecations eligible to be deleted in the next version. 
> Currently, we basically have to go one by one and figure out if it is not old 
> enough to remove. I believe this would bring more transparency into what is 
> planned to be removed and when as well it will be clearly visible what should 
> be removed in the next version and it is not. 
> Tangential question to this is if everything we deprecated is eligible for 
> removal? In other words, are there any cases when forRemoval would be false? 
> Could you elaborate on that and give such examples or do you all think that 
> everything which is deprecated will be eventually removed?
> (1) https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-18912
> Thanks and regards

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