In your example 5.1 can read 4.x because 4.0 (?) is the earliest version
that 5.x supports.  I don't think you can upgrade directly from 3.x to 5.x
without an intermediate stop at some version of 4.x can you?  So when we
get to 6.x we won't need the 4 -> 5 conversion code because 6 will only
support reading from  5.  If I am incorrect and we expect a version to be
able to read 2 major versions back then indeed the deprecated since would
be 2 major versions ahead of the version when the code was written.

On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 2:40 PM Andrew Weaver <>

> Skipping versions on upgrade is absolutely something that happens in the
> real world.  This is particularly highlighted by the discussion around
> 5.0/5.1 that's been happening - 5.0 has been described as a potential
> "ghost version" which I completely understand.
> Getting rid of some of the old cruft that seems unnecessary (and strictly
> speaking is unnecessary) is not without its downsides.  In this case, that
> cruft improves the user experience.
> On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 5:56 AM Miklosovic, Stefan via dev <
>> wrote:
>> Do I understand it correctly that this is basically the case of
>> "deprecated on introduction" as we know that it will not be necessary the
>> very next version?
>> I think that not everybody is upgrading from version to version as they
>> appear. If somebody upgrades from 4.0 to 5.1 (which we seem to support) (1)
>> and you would have introduced the deprecation in 4.0 with intention to
>> remove it in 5.0 and somebody jumps to 5.1 straight away, is not that a
>> problem? Because they have not made the move via 5.0 where you upgrade
>> logic was triggered.
>> (1)
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Claude Warren, Jr via dev <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 10:57
>> To: dev
>> Cc: Claude Warren, Jr
>> Subject: Immediately Deprecated Code
>> NetApp Security WARNING: This is an external email. Do not click links or
>> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
>> safe.
>> I was thinking about code that is used to migrate from one version to
>> another.  For example the code that rewrote the order of the hash values
>> used for Bloom filters.  That code was necessary for the version it was
>> coded in.  But the next version does not need that code because the next
>> version is not going to read the data from 2 versions prior to itself.  So
>> the code could be removed for verson+1.
>> So, would it have made sense to annotate those methods (and variables) as
>> deprecated since the version they were written in so the methods/variables
>> can be removed in the next version?
>> If so, what I propose is that all transitional methods and variable be
>> marked as deprecated with the version in which they were introduced.
> --
> Andrew Weaver

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