Hello German,

Thanks for the links, I've seen this project before, but to be honest
I've never delved that deep into it. I'll definitely check it out for
more details, give me a few days to be in context!

As for the admin port, it's already part of the proposal, as discussed
in Slack. This port is needed not only because we are mixing the data
and control planes, but also because the native protocol can be
disabled, e.g. manually via the nodetool disablebinary command, or via
the disk_failure_policy 'stop' policy, which shuts down all
transports, leaving a node only operable via JMX which doesn't match
our goals.

On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 18:52, German Eichberger via dev
<dev@cassandra.apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Maxim,
> We have adopted/forked the agent part of the 
> https://github.com/k8ssandra/management-api-for-apache-cassandra project 
> which aims to do similar things. I especially like how they have a local 
> database socket where a sidecar can easily access cassandra and execute cql 
> commands without the need of a service account like your example suggests.
> The syntax they adopted (see for instance 
> https://github.com/k8ssandra/management-api-for-apache-cassandra/blob/7cb367eac46a12947bb87486456d3f905f37628b/management-api-server/src/main/java/com/datastax/mgmtapi/resources/NodeOpsResources.java#L115)
>  looks like `CALL NodeOps.decommission(?, ?)", force, false)` which is 
> similar to your execute - just throwing this out as another example.
> I definitely like settling on the cql interface since that avoids having to 
> load different jmx bindings for different Cassandra versions making things 
> cleaner and more easily accessible. There is some security concern to mix 
> data and control plane so I would liek to see some way to restrict access 
> like the mgmt api does where the admin commands are only available on the 
> socket. Maybe, have a special admin port or socket?
> I  prefer making the agent part of the managment api become part of Cassandra 
> either through your CEP or other means but I can also see this as an adjacent 
> sub project  - let's discuss 🙂
> German
> ________________________________
> From: Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 10:08 AM
> To: dev@cassandra.apache.org <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [DISCUSSION] CEP-38: CQL Management API
> Hello everyone,
> While we are still waiting for the review to make the settings virtual
> table updatable (CASSANDRA-15254), which will improve the
> configuration management experience for users, I'd like to take
> another step forward and improve the C* management approach we have as
> a whole. This approach aims to make all Cassandra management commands
> accessible via CQL, but not only that.
> The problem of making commands accessible via CQL presents a complex
> challenge, especially if we aim to minimize code duplication across
> the implementation of management operations for different APIs and
> reduce the overall maintenance burden. The proposal's scope goes
> beyond simply introducing a new CQL syntax. It encompasses several key
> objectives for C* management operations, beyond their availability
> through CQL:
> - Ensure consistency across all public APIs we support, including JMX
> MBeans and the newly introduced CQL. Users should see consistent
> command specifications and arguments, irrespective of whether they're
> using an API or a CLI;
> - Reduce source code maintenance costs. With this new approach, when a
> new command is implemented, it should automatically become available
> across JMX MBeans, nodetool, CQL, and Cassandra Sidecar, eliminating
> the need for additional coding;
> - Maintain backward compatibility, ensuring that existing setups and
> workflows continue to work the same way as they do today;
> I would suggest discussing the overall design concept first, and then
> diving into the CQL command syntax and other details once we've found
> common ground on the community's vision. However, regardless of these
> details, I would appreciate any feedback on the design.
> I look forward to your comments!
> Please, see the design document: CEP-38: CQL Management API
> https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcwiki.apache.org%2Fconfluence%2Fdisplay%2FCASSANDRA%2FCEP-38%253A%2BCQL%2BManagement%2BAPI&data=05%7C01%7CGerman.Eichberger%40microsoft.com%7C62051e1eb8964889962d08dbe473d482%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C638354958369996874%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=XT4LB1CopZy8qCUM6MnUfBhGFwKHmsUO%2B2AUpgv83zI%3D&reserved=0

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