There surely needs to be a more succinct and abstract representation in order to perform transformations on the query plan? You don’t intend to manipulate the object graph directly as you apply any transformations when performing simplification or cost based analysis? This would also (I expect) be the form used to support EXPLAIN functionality, and probably also HINTs etc. This would ideally not be coupled to the CBO itself, and would ideally be succinctly serialised.

I would very much expect the query plan to be represented abstractly as part of this work, and for there to be a mechanism that translates this abstract representation into the object graph that executes it.

If I’m incorrect, could you please elaborate more specifically how you intend to go about this?

On 14 Dec 2023, at 10:33, Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:

I mean that an important part of this work - not specified in the CEP (AFAICT) - should probably be to define some standard execution model, that we can manipulate and serialise, for use across (and without) optimisers.

I am confused because for me an execution model defines how operations are executed within the database in a conceptual way, which is not something that this CEP intends to change. Do you mean the physical/execution plan?
Today this plan is somehow represented for reads by the SelectStatement and its components (Selections, StatementRestrictions, ...) it is then converted at execution time after parameter binding into a ReadCommand which is sent to the replicas.
We plan to refactor SelectStatement and its components but the ReadCommands change should be relatively small. What you are proposing is not part of the scope of this CEP.

Le jeu. 14 déc. 2023 à 10:24, Benjamin Lerer <> a écrit :
Can you share the reasons why Apache Calcite is not suitable for this case and why it was rejected

My understanding is that Calcite was made for two main things: to help with optimizing SQL-like languages and to let people query different kinds of data sources together.

We could think about using it for our needs, but there are some big problems:

  1. CQL is not SQL. There are significant differences between the 2 languages

  2. Cassandra has its own specificities that will influence the cost model and the way we deal with optimizations: partitions, replication factors, consistency levels, LSM tree storage, ...

  3. Every framework comes with its own limitations and additional cost

From my view, there are too many big differences between what Calcite does and what we need in Cassandra. If we used Calcite, it would also mean relying a lot on another system that everyone would have to learn and adjust to. The problems and extra work this would bring don't seem worth the benefits we might get


Le mer. 13 déc. 2023 à 18:06, Benjamin Lerer <> a écrit :
One thing that I did not mention is the fact that this CEP is only a high level proposal. There will be deeper discussions on the dev list around the different parts of this proposal when we reach those parts and have enough details to make those discussions more meaningful.    
The maintenance and distribution of summary statistics in particular is worthy of its own CEP, and it might be preferable to split it out.
For maintaining node statistics the idea is to re-use the current Memtable/SSTable mechanism and relies on mergeable statistics. That will allow us to easily build node level statistics for a given table by merging all the statistics of its memtable and SSTables. For the distribution of these node statistics we are still exploring different options. We can come back with a precise proposal once we have hammered all the details. 
Is it for you a blocker for this CEP or do you just want to make sure that this part is discussed in deeper details before we implement it?
The proposal also seems to imply we are aiming for coordinators to all make the same decision for a query, which I think is challenging, and it would be worth fleshing out the design here a little (perhaps just in Jira).

The goal is that the large majority of nodes preparing a query at a given point in time should make the same decision and that over time all nodes should converge toward the same decision. This part is dependent on the node statistics distribution, the cost model and the triggers for re-optimization (that will require some experimentation).

There’s also not much discussion of the execution model: I think it would make most sense for this to be independent of any cost and optimiser models (though they might want to operate on them), so that EXPLAIN and hints can work across optimisers (a suitable hint might essentially bypass the optimiser, if the optimiser permits it, by providing a standard execution model)

It is not clear to me what you mean by "a standard execution model"? Otherwise, we were not planning to have the execution model or the hints depending on the optimizer. 

I think it would be worth considering providing the execution plan to the client as part of query preparation, as an opaque payload to supply to coordinators on first contact, as this might simplify the problem of ensuring queries behave the same without adopting a lot of complexity for synchronising statistics (which will never provide strong guarantees). Of course, re-preparing a query might lead to a new plan, though any coordinators with the query in their cache should be able to retrieve it cheaply. If the execution model is efficiently serialised this might have the ancillary benefit of improving the occupancy of our prepared query cache.

I am not sure that I understand your proposal. If 2 nodes build a different execution plan how do you solve that conflict?

Le mer. 13 déc. 2023 à 09:55, Benedict <> a écrit :

A CBO can only make worse decisions than the status quo for what I presume are the majority of queries - i.e. those that touch only primary indexes. In general, there are plenty of use cases that prefer determinism. So I agree that there should at least be a CBO implementation that makes the same decisions as the status quo, deterministically.

I do support the proposal, but would like to see some elements discussed in more detail. The maintenance and distribution of summary statistics in particular is worthy of its own CEP, and it might be preferable to split it out. The proposal also seems to imply we are aiming for coordinators to all make the same decision for a query, which I think is challenging, and it would be worth fleshing out the design here a little (perhaps just in Jira).

While I’m not a fan of ALLOW FILTERING, I’m not convinced that this CEP deprecates it. It is a concrete qualitative guard rail, that I expect some users will prefer to a cost-based guard rail. Perhaps this could be left to the CBO to decide how to treat.

There’s also not much discussion of the execution model: I think it would make most sense for this to be independent of any cost and optimiser models (though they might want to operate on them), so that EXPLAIN and hints can work across optimisers (a suitable hint might essentially bypass the optimiser, if the optimiser permits it, by providing a standard execution model)

I think it would be worth considering providing the execution plan to the client as part of query preparation, as an opaque payload to supply to coordinators on first contact, as this might simplify the problem of ensuring queries behave the same without adopting a lot of complexity for synchronising statistics (which will never provide strong guarantees). Of course, re-preparing a query might lead to a new plan, though any coordinators with the query in their cache should be able to retrieve it cheaply. If the execution model is efficiently serialised this might have the ancillary benefit of improving the occupancy of our prepared query cache.

On 13 Dec 2023, at 00:44, Jon Haddad <> wrote:

I think it makes sense to see what the actual overhead is of CBO before making the assumption it'll be so high that we need to have two code paths.  I'm happy to provide thorough benchmarking and analysis when it reaches a testing phase.  

I'm excited to see where this goes.  I think it sounds very forward looking and opens up a lot of possibilities.


On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 4:25 PM guo Maxwell <> wrote:
Nothing expresses my thoughts better than +1
,It feels like it means a lot to Cassandra.

I have a question. Is it easy to turn off cbo's optimizer or by pass in some way? Because some simple read and write requests will have better performance without cbo, which is also the advantage of Cassandra compared to some rdbms.

David Capwell <>于2023年12月13日 周三上午3:37写道:
Overall LGTM.  

On Dec 12, 2023, at 5:29 AM, Benjamin Lerer <> wrote:

Hi everybody,

I would like to open the discussion on the introduction of a cost based optimizer to allow Cassandra to pick the best execution plan based on the data distribution.Therefore, improving the overall query performance.

This CEP should also lay the groundwork for the future addition of features like joins, subqueries, OR/NOT and index ordering.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

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