
we once did some extensive performance testing on the row cache (motivated by 
some hardware accelerator we were hoping to introduce)  but could only find 
improvements in highly contrived scenarios - has been a while since then so 
fresh eyes are good but I think we will still arrive at the conclusion to 
deprecate the row cache.

From: Jon Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2023 10:31 AM
To: dev@cassandra.apache.org <dev@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Future direction for the row cache and OHC 

You don't often get email from j...@jonhaddad.com. Learn why this is 
Sure, I’d love to work with you on this.

Jon Haddad
Rustyrazorblade Consulting

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 8:30 AM Ariel Weisberg 
<ar...@weisberg.ws<mailto:ar...@weisberg.ws>> wrote:

Thanks for the generous offer. Before you do that can you give me a chance to 
add back support for Caffeine for the row cache so you can test the option of 
switching back to an on-heap row cache?


On Thu, Dec 14, 2023, at 9:28 PM, Jon Haddad wrote:
I think we should probably figure out how much value it actually provides by 
getting some benchmarks around a few use cases along with some profiling.  
tlp-stress has a --rowcache flag that I added a while back to be able to do 
this exact test.  I was looking for a use case to profile and write up so this 
is actually kind of perfect for me.  I can take a look in January when I'm back 
from the holidays.


On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 5:44 PM Mick Semb Wever 
<m...@apache.org<mailto:m...@apache.org>> wrote:

I would avoid taking away a feature even if it works in narrow set of 
use-cases. I would instead suggest -

1. Leave it disabled by default.
2. Detect when Row Cache has a low hit rate and warn the operator to turn it 
off. Cassandra should ideally detect this and do it automatically.
3. Move to Caffeine instead of OHC.

I would suggest having this as the middle ground.

Yes, I'm ok with this. (2) can also be a guardrail: soft value when to warn, 
hard value when to disable.

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