Actually, now that I'm looking at the original email on my browser and not
my phone (and can see the formatting properly), I think we have the
nomenclature backward here. Left-alignment in the printing world means that
text in each cell starts at the left-most column for the cell, but in your
examples you're calling that right-aligned (and vice-versa). Along the
lines of what Stefan said, I think this probably came about more as a
"we'll just keep things simple and use the same alignment everywhere"
rather than an intentional right-alignment of text for a specific purpose.
I would actually be fine with left-aligning text to fit what appears to be
standard practice in other systems.



On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 7:34 AM Brad <> wrote:

> CQLSH currently left-aligns all output, affecting both numbers and text.
> While this works well for numbers, a better approach adopted by many is to
> left align numbers and right align text.
> For example, both Excel and Postgres shell use the later:
> psql
> # select * from employee;
>  empid |  name   |    dept
> -------+---------+------------
>      1 | Clark   | Sales
>    200 | Dave    | Accounting
>     33 | Johnson | Sales
> while CQLSH simply left aligns all the columns
> cqlsh> select * from employee;
>  empid | dept       | name
> -------+------------+---------
>     33 |      Sales | Johnson
>      1 |      Sales |   Clark
>    200 | Accounting |    Dave
> Left aligned text looks much worse on text values which share common
> prefixes
> cqlsh> select * from system_views.system_properties limit 7 ;
>  name                                       | value
> --------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------
>                                   JAVA_HOME |
>   /Users/brad/.jenv/versions/17
>                    cassandra.jmx.local.port |
>           7199
>                            cassandra.logdir |
> /usr/local/cassandra-5.0-beta1/bin/../logs
>                        cassandra.storagedir |
> /usr/local/cassandra-5.0-beta1/bin/../data
> |
>         false
> |
>   /etc/cassandra/jmxremote.password
>     io.netty.transport.estimateSizeOnSubmit |
>         false
> The Jira CASSANDRA-19150
> <> discusses this in
> further detail with some additional examples.
> I wanted to raise the issue here to propose changing CQLSH to right-align
> text while continue to left-align numbers.
> Regards,
> Brad Schoening
> ReplyForward
> Add reaction

| Derek Chen-Becker                                             |
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