I see the feedback is overall positive. I will merge that and I will
improve the documentation on the website along with what Benedict suggested.

On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 10:32 AM Mick Semb Wever <m...@apache.org> wrote:

>> Based on these findings, I went through the code and I have incorporated
>> these rules and I rewrote it like this:
>> 1) no wrapping in "if" if we are not logging more than 2 parameters.
>> 2) rewritten log messages to not contain any string concatenation but
>> moving it all to placeholders ({}).
>> 3) wrap it in "if" if we need to execute a method(s) on parameter(s)
>> which is resource-consuming.
> +1
> It's a shame slf4j botched it with lambdas, their 2.0 fluent api doesn't
> impress me.

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